Tuesday, August 25, 2009

America, Healthcare Reform and the Truth

OK, I haven't posted a "political" commentary in a while. If you aren't political, sorry, but I think I need to do this one.

This country needs Health INSURANCE Reform, NOT healthcare reform. We have the best healthcare on the planet in this country. For now, we have the best medical providers (doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, Physicians Assistants, and so on) in the WORLD!

Our government wants to take over your healthcare. They want to be your healthcare provider. They want to be your medical insurance company. Ever dealt with someone in an insurance company? Imagine what that will be like with someone from the GOVERNMENT. Not pretty. If you think it's hard to get your referral now, just wait.

The truth is that when other countries have tried this, the people's health has suffered. Why is that? Because the governments (Britain and Canada) have been forced to ration the services and medicines they cover because of costs. So, if you need a hip replacement, you wait. And, if you are too old, you don't get that hip. That is no "myth", it's reality. I remember a story about a New York Islanders minor league player that played on a team in Canada. He suffered a dislocated shoulder. Now, in America, if you do that, you go to the hospital and get an MRI and get treated. This guy had to WAIT. One month was the wait just to be seen. Know what happens to a dislocated shoulder if it is not treated right away? The Islander organization had to fly this guy to AMERICA to get checked out and treated. That's our future people, if we let it happen. KEEP the government out of healthcare!

We see angry people at townhall meetings (when the Democrats actually had them before they ran and hid). These are not "mobs" of organized crazies. They are Americans exercising their God-given right to free speech. Angry? Sure. They see the country they love slipping away. They see their freedoms disintegrating before their eyes. I'm angry too. Our current president has a radically unAmerican view of this country. He thinks the government should provide everything to its citizens. He doesn't believe in hard work. He doesn't believe in capitalism or free markets. He doesn't believe in making your own way. He believes in big government CONTROL. Once the government goes that route, they can just as easily take away what they give.

I believe in taking care of poor people. As Christians we called to take care of the poor. However, this is not the government's role. They need to protect the country militarily, build interstate roads and control commerce. After that, they really have no role.

When Americans are left alone by their government, Americans prosper. We take care of each other. Government control like our present administration is proposing and starting to exercise over us weakens us.

This is why there's this push to pass all this bad legislation. The stimulus, remember that? This has done nothing to help the economy. Unemployment is up close to 10% in many states. The stimulus might have been proposed by Bush, but the Democratically CONTROLLED House of Representatives and Senate voted for it and the present DEMOCRATIC President signed it into law. This is their mess. The Democrats including Pelosi, Schumer, Reid, Kennedy and Obama are responsible for skyrocketing budget deficits and spending your money, your children's money and your grandchildren's money unwisely.

They want to push this all through, making everything sound like an emergency, so no one will question them and then when the dust settles, they'll have control over all our lives.

That includes this horrible Cap and Trade bill. This will drive everyone's taxes and energy costs through the roof. In the name of the environment, they want to tax and tax and tax companies. When companies get taxed, guess who pays that bill? You and I pay that bill in higher costs. Think you want to choose between running your air conditioner or buying milk for your baby? That just might happen if this Cap and Trade Bill is enacted.

More and more Americans are speaking out. Polls show that most Americans are opposed to this government takeover of Healthcare. That doesn't make them racist. That doesn't make them unAmerican.

Dissent, peaceful dissent, even if it is loud is what this country is all about, baby!

We cannot let the government take over our lives. We don't want to be Europe. We are AMERICA and for 233 years we've done a pretty darn good job of running this place.

Now is the time to say no to this unprecedented dismantling of our country.

Do you want your parents to be counseled on ending their lives rather than seeking medical care?

If you are a veteran, do you want to be shown the "merits" of ending your life rather than receiving life sustaining medical care?

If you are a freedom loving American (and who isn't?), do you want your government telling you what medical care you can and can't have?

Look, the myth is that this takeover of our medical industry by the government is good for anyone.

And, the number of uninsured that gets thrown around, 47 million is interesting once you break it down:

  • 38% or 18 million have a household median income over $50000 per yearof that 38%, 20% have incomes over $75000
  • 27% or 12.6 million people are illegal aliens (some think this number is closer to 20 million)
  • 33% are eligible for insurance coverage but for whatever reason do not apply for it
  • That leaves 2% of the population that are uninsured. Why not address those people rather than a full takeover of the entire system? That's just like the government, making a 500 pound bomb to kill a mouse.

John Mackey, the CEO of grocer Whole Foods, had an op ed piece in the Wall Street Journal outlining his vision of what rational, common sense solutions can be enacted now to help decrease healthcare costs. I think it's worth the read. His solutions make much more sense than a wholesale takeover of the healthcare system by the government creating a huge bureaucracy which will in turn require more of your money going to the government in the form of higher taxes.

Call your representatives, tell them to keep the government out of our healthcare system! Enact common sense solutions and not a wholesale takeover of America's healthcare industry which will require higher taxes. Money that we don't have!