Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear President Obama - Stop Trying to Silence Those Who Disagree with You!

President Obama has launched an all out assault on your free speech. By targeting Foxnews and "isolating" them, he has taken a step towards silencing all who don't follow his philosophy of bigger government, higher taxes, government control of everything and no one dissenting.

Dissent is what makes this country great and indeed was embraced by the liberals in Washington for the eight years that George Bush was in office. All of a sudden, dissent and speaking out is "unAmerican". The hypocrisy of it all is so obvious.

He has sent David Aexelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Robert Gibbs and the Mao Tse Tung loving Anita Dunn out to tell America that Foxnews is not a news station and shouldn't be treated as such. Well, that's just a lie. They are all lying. One need only watch Foxnews and see the truth and people are watching in record numbers. Newsmax reported on a poll by the League of American Voters that showed that almost 50% of Foxnews viewers are Democrat or Independent. People are flocking to Foxnews because they are fair and balanced as their motto says. They have all points of view on and, yes, they cover the news straight out and probably better than the networks because they don't put a spin on it. They report, you decide.

We all need to speak out about this. Tell the President to stop trying to squelch our free speech!

We need Foxnews if only to counteract the rest of the so-called mainstream media who swoon at every breath and movement of the president. They (the mainstream media) are acting as his public relations bureau rather than keeping him accountable.

The Administration would do well to put their time into governing because, so far, they aren't really doing a good job. They are running this country into the ground and they don't want you to know about it.

Mr. President, with all due respect to the office, stop trying to silence those of us who disagree with you. 2012 is not that far away.