Tuesday, December 15, 2009

YouTube - Avalon - Orphans of God - Front Row Live - Gospel Music Chan

Great song from Avalon a wonderful Christian group.

This song is uplifting and inspiring! Please watch and listen!

God bless you.

YouTube - Avalon - Orphans of God - Front Row Live - Gospel Music Chan

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moonbattery: Planned Parenthood: "A Fetus Is Just Like a Fingernail"

Tip of the hat to Moonbattery for this one.

Read the blog and watch the video. It's an undercover video about a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Appleton, Wisconsin where a woman is getting counseled about her "choices". See the choices she's given.

Your hard earned tax dollars are funding this. You paid for that "counselor" and that "doctor" to tell that woman that the fetus she's carrying is not a baby. That so-called doctor, with 40 years of abortions under his belt, tells the woman that having the abortion is safer than giving birth.

This is a travesty. It's immoral. And you paid for it.

Undercover Planned Parenthood Video

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

President Obama and EPA Seek to Destroy The America We All Love

Not through legislation, but through regulation, America is about to be ruined. How White House Climate Czar Carol Browner was ever allowed to get into her position is beyond me.

Friends, we have a mess on our hands. The Obama administration is attacking America from so many sides, it's hard to keep track. Know this, Barack Obama is looking to, in his own words, fundamentally transform America. This is happening now.

Please read the link above. Contact your representatives about this. Tell them to stop this person from changing and ruining America!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

US Ready for Another Reagan

Just as in 1980, after Jimmy Carter set this nation in a direction that would see our citizens held hostage over 400 days by Iranian Islamic extremists, gas prices soar, oil become scarce, and interest rates that made Mob interest rates more attractive, America is ready for another Ronald Reagan to come and rescue us from certain demise.

The problem is, who is our Ronald Reagan? Who exemplifies the character, wit and ideals that Reagan brought to the Presidency? Who is that conservative patriot waiting in the wings on their white horse ready to arrive in the nick of time just like the cavalry?

It wasn't John McCain.

Mitt Romney brings a lot of those qualities to the table, but does he have the strength of character? Is he the staunch conservative that Reagan was? Where is Mitt Romney, anyway? Has anyone heard from him?

Mike Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, is a common sense conservative. He is steadfast in his beliefs. His economic ideas are good. He is an advocate of eliminating the IRS and instituting a "Fair Tax", which is a national sales tax. A radical idea to some, to others it is something that should have been done a long time ago.

Sarah Palin. Well, this lady had whipped up emotions that span the gamut from hatred to adoration. She is also conservative, with a down home common sense approach to governing. She speaks plainly in simple terms. Mrs. Palin fits the mold. She has a successful record of governing having run a city and then the entire state of Alaska. More than the current President has ever done.

We need someone with the backbone to stand and fight for American values. The current Oval Office occupant doesn't seem to have to desire to do that.

In the coming months, I pray that someone will emerge as the best candidate to come in , like Reagan, maybe the greatest President of our generation, and slam the brakes on this reckless ride into oblivion that the present administration and Democratic-led congress seems so adamant about bringing us on.

God bless you.

May God bless America with His grace and mercy.