Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moonbattery: Planned Parenthood: "A Fetus Is Just Like a Fingernail"

Tip of the hat to Moonbattery for this one.

Read the blog and watch the video. It's an undercover video about a Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Appleton, Wisconsin where a woman is getting counseled about her "choices". See the choices she's given.

Your hard earned tax dollars are funding this. You paid for that "counselor" and that "doctor" to tell that woman that the fetus she's carrying is not a baby. That so-called doctor, with 40 years of abortions under his belt, tells the woman that having the abortion is safer than giving birth.

This is a travesty. It's immoral. And you paid for it.

Undercover Planned Parenthood Video

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