Saturday, June 25, 2011

New York State Government "Redefines" Marriage

The folks who brought you salt water fishing licenses have now decided they can redefine marriage. Really?

Dean Skelos and his alleged Republican (I refer to alleged Republicans not alleged majority) majority in the New York State Senate have placed the foot of the Empire State firmly on the slippery slope by passing the so-called marriage equality law. Can you say detestable? Maybe abomination is a better word.

As a New Yorker I am saddened, yet not surprised. Our state is quickly heading south (like many of our citizens) led by a governor (Andrew Cuomo) who lives out of wedlock with his girlfriend in "The People's House". Quite the moral compass he.

I am not a hater. I am a Christian who isn't ashamed of the Bible. The Bible is the book I use to guide my life. It's a book inspired by the God who establishes marriage as between one man and one woman in Genesis (please see Adam and Eve) and calls homosexuality, not the homosexual, an abomination. Got a problem with that? Take it up with God.

Is homosexuality the worst sin? No. It is just one sin of many sins that Jesus Christ died to forgive if only the sinner will believe and be baptized.

The Good News is that no matter what goes on around us, God is still God and the Gospel is still the Gospel. Let's not get that sinking feeling like Peter by losing our focus.

Some in the Christian community might argue that this came about because we stood quietly on the sidelines and they might be right. However, this in no way will stop us from bringing the truth to the lost world around us. Shall we speak louder? Yes. Shall we speak more boldly? We should. Let us not be discouraged by the world. After all we cannot expect the world to have the same views as we Christians do.

The world's view can change only when the hearts and minds of those who are lost are transformed by the power of the Gospel which comes from God. God will change those hearts if they truly seek and accept His son Jesus Christ. No other power can do that.

Also, this law in no way legitimizes gay marriage nor does it make it right. It just makes it a law.

So no hate speech here. No name calling. Sadness? Yes. Sadness that those who think they are doing the right thing are really leading people farther away from God.

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