Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Gifts Brought to Jesus

We all know the account of the three kings that came from the east to worship the new born savior in Bethlehem, Jesus Christ. They brought gifts of gold, frankinsense and myrrh.

Now we all what gold is and the value it has. It's a precious metal and has great value and worth. If you were to buy an ounce of gold today, it would cost you about $800.

Myrrh was a spice used in embalming. I believe it forshadowed Jesus' death. It was also very valuable in those days and worth it's weight in gold at the time.

However, the interesting gift, to me, is frankinsense. It was used in perfume and incense. The interesting thing, to me anyway, is the tree that frankinsense is derived from, the Boswellia tree. This particular tree is unusual in that it grows in environments so harsh that they sometimes seem like they are growing right out of solid rock. They also have deep roots that make them hardy and strong to withstand any storm. What a symbol that is to us who call ourselves Christ followers. The tree is us. The rock is Jesus. When we give our lives over to Him and we pray and study we grow deep roots and then can withstand any storm because we are rooted and anchored on the rock, Jesus Christ.

This Christmas season, the season we celebrate the birth of the Rock, Jesus Christ, rededicate yourself to growing deep roots. Pray, read, study, get to know your Savior more intimately, so that you can withstand, with His help, any storm that comes into your life.

Merry Christmas.

God bless you and may God bless America.

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