Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Ultimate Fresh Start

So, New Year's is coming and I guess many people are thinking about resolutions. You know, resolutions, those changes you make for the first couple of weeks in January and then completely abandon. You have the best of intentions, but you're really not into making a change, just into making the resolution. To steal from a Seinfeld episode when he's at the Rent-a-car counter, "You know how to make the resolution, you just can't keep the resolution."

This time of year is a time of reflection, isn't it? We look back at the previous year and take an account of the events in our lives. Things we did that we look on with fondness, and others that we wish never happened. We wish we had made more money or been a better parent or spouse or employee or boss. There are things in us we wish we could change, but they've been part of us all of our lives. This is true no matter how old you are. We want to change, but January 21st comes around and we just don't have the energy or the wherewithal or the motivation or the mental toughness to carry on.

Take heart! You CAN change with help. There's One out there who will change you. Make you new!

I tell you if you want the ultimate fresh start, Jesus wants to give it to you. In 2 Corinthians 5:17 God gives us the ultimate fresh start promise. He says, once you have Christ in your life, your old self is replaced by a new self! WOW! And that's a fresh start that will last for eternity.

Do you want to change? Do you need to change? Is there something missing in your life? Are you lonely, though you're surrounded by people? Are you angry? Are you missing the mark as a parent? Do you feel like it's all for nothing and you are getting tired of looking back on your life at this time of year and just being disappointed in yourself? Jesus Christ came to this planet, so you would have a new, fresh start. A new you. Not even "the ultimate makeover", because all the old will be stripped away and you will be brand new!

Give it some thought. Get alone with God. Talk to Him. Ask him to change you. Ask Him to come into your heart and make you a new person. Tell him your troubles and your disappointments with yourself and your life. Call out to Him. He will answer you! Psalm 55:16 and Romans 10:13 are just two verses that promises that.

No resolutions this year. You don't need resolutions that you try to keep on your own. Jesus Christ came to this planet and He wants to change you. Use His power to change. It's a change that will last all eternity. It's a permanent change by the Master Changer. This year, don't look back, look up to Christ and allow Him to make you a new person.

God bless you. May God bless America.

Have a Happy and Healthy New Year.

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