Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A New Year, The Same God

Someone who I know does not have a relationship with God once remarked to me while discussing some hot button topic that "times have changed and I cannot believe that what was written so long ago can actually apply to today". That was a comment directed at Biblical teaching and how the Bible and its contents really weren't relevant.

Thank God, that's not true. Could you imagine if the teachings of God changed on His whim or just according to how man deemed necessary or relevant? What a horrible picture that would be. How could anyone know how to live? What was true one day would be false the next. Who determines that? Even if it were true, how would believers be told of these changes? If this indeed is true, how do we know what's changed and what has remained the same?

The answer is simple and it is found in Hebrews 13:8. Isn't it comforting to know that God never changes? When we wake in the morning, we don't have to wonder what is right and what is wrong. It has all been laid out for us in the Bible. Sixty-six books written over many, many years by many writers that never met. Yet, it is so cohesive. It's consistency is amazing. It shows that the Bible is truly "God breathed".

So, in the uncertainty of today with the economy, world violence, plunging moral values, know this for sure, that God never changes. He still loves you. His son's atoning death still stands as the payment for your sins. There's still only one way to a relationship with Him and that is through Jesus Christ. And, it still is simple to have forgiveness and everlasting life and that is by giving your life over to Christ. It's the same as it was yesterday, today and forever.

To God be the glory!

God bless you and may God bless America!

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