Friday, January 23, 2009

New York Replaces the Woman from Arkansas

Well, I'm one New Yawka that is glad to see Hillary Clinton, you know the woman from Arkansas, leave the Empire State for good. While in office, she did nothing for New York. Not one job was created because of her. Not one dollar of tax break was enacted by her. She did nothing. Good bye Hillary. Have a nice time ruining the State Department.

Caroline Kennedy wanted to be New York's next Senator, but apparently she had a personal problem with taxes or a nanny or, as some have said, an affair with a married man or using government funds to hire high class hookers. Oh, wait that was Democratic Governor (now, ex-Governor) Eliot (I'm above the law) Spitzer. Camelot-East will not be established in Albany.

Governor Paterson is ready to name Kirsten Gillibrand from upstate New York as the next Senator from our broken state. Normally, I would be opposed to her. She's a hold over from the Clinton regime. Not a good background. However, she's purported to be a fiscal conservative. Also, downstate Dems like Carolyn McCarthy are villifying her for her (Gillibrand's) endorsement by (oh my hold on there) the National Rifle Association. Mrs, McCarthy is a one-trick pony. Her thing is banning guns. She doesn't even want law abiding Americans who, according to the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, have the right to own guns, to be able to own a firearm. Now, I'm sympathetic to Mrs. McCarthy's loss. Her husband was killed by that nut, the Long Island Railroad shooter, Colin Ferguson. Of course, people like Ferguson should never have the ability to own a firearm. However, what Mrs. McCarthy wants to do is tantamount to a teacher punishing the entire class when one student is talking.

Banning gun ownership is not the answer. Making it harder to own a gun is not the answer. Punishing those who use guns unlawfully is the answer. Harsh punishments for people who use firearms for crimes or obtain firearms illegally is the answer. Stopping law abiding citizens from owning firearms is unAmerican. It just is.

Now, back to Mrs. Gillibrand. She is very Sarah Palin-esque in that she gave birth (albeit one without special needs) to a child while in office. She believes in the right of a law abiding citizen to own firearms. However, that's not her only virtue. She'a also fiscally conservative. She voted against the bailout, something the Republican candidate for President didn't do. She's for earmark reform. She's almost too good to be true for this Conservative. She's causing discord in the Democratic party espcially amongst the elite snobs from New York City. That's also a plus in my book!

I'm going to reserve judgment on Mrs. Gillibrand, however, on paper she looks good to me. Rest assured I'll speak out if I think it's necessary. I wish her the best. At least she's a New Yorker representing New Yorkers. That's an error that will finally be rectified with her appointment.

God bless you.

May God forgive and have mercy on America.

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