Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Praying for America

Today America goes through the peaceful transfer of power from our current President to the new leader of the country. However, for many, there's not a lot of peace because of the new leader coming in.

Many have said that they are hoping the new President will be successful. I am not hoping that, because for him to be successful this country will change in a way that will ruin America for many, many years to come.

God tells us to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-3) in order for us to live in peace. Pray we should, but we should pray that whatever gets done in the next four years will be according to God's law and not the law of men. We should pray for the President's salvation. That his eyes would be open to his need for Jesus Christ and that he would come to give his life to Christ.

Pray also for yourself, that you would be a reflection of the light of Jesus Christ to those around you.

Prayer is the lifeblood of a Christian's life. We need prayer. It gives us that connection to the Father. It keeps us in His presence and brings an intimacy that cannot be achieved any other way.

So, take the time to add the President to your prayer time. Pray for the country. Pray for yourself.

America needs prayer now more than ever, now that we have a President and Congress that seem so opposed to everything we, as Christians, believe in.

God bless you.

May, in His mercy, God bless America.

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