Friday, January 9, 2009

Reborn to do Good Works

Many people think you can work your way to heaven. Unfortunately, that's simply not the case. This may be shocking to say, but there are going to be a lot of people in hell who did good things on earth. That's pretty harsh to say, but it is 100% accurate.

In the book of Ephesians 2:8-10 we see what God says about this. We see that "works" don't get us to heaven, but the grace of God does. We cannot give enough to charity, volunteer enough time to a worthy cause or give enough of ourselves to anything on this earth to earn a spot at the table of the LORD. That's because all the work of salvation (or having a relationship with God and spending eternity in Heaven with Him) was already accomplished by Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ (John 14:6).

However, that doesn't mean once you give your life over to Christ that we just sit back and wait for His second coming. On the contrary, Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that there are tasks waiting to be done by all who are saved. These are tasks or works that God has preplanned for everyone to do once they accept the gift of grace He offers us. If we are to be little Christs (Christians), then we must take on the same attitude that Jesus had. And Jesus said in Mark 10:45, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." He was the ultimate servant giving His life so that we could live eternally with Him in heaven. We are to do the same for those around us.

Now you might think you're unqualified to serve anyone, but all this means is that we help those around us. Is there an elderly neighbor who needs groceries? Go shopping for them. Is there a physically challenged person you know who needs a ride somewhere? Offer a ride. Does the local food pantry need someone to stock the shelves? Go help out and pack those shelves! And what about the church you attend? Just like your home, the physical building and grounds have needs. Is there a repair you can do? Can you shovel snow? Can you pull some weeds? How about painting? Is there some cleanup that needs to be done? How about helping on a retreat or mission trip? All of things only require a willingness to help.

It's called serving, but what it really does is show that you love God and love people. You love God by doing just what He tells us we should do and you love people by helping them out. In the end, you are showing those who have no relationship with God the same love that God showed you and thus you are showing them God and that's the best way to spread the Good News to those who need to hear it!

God bless you and may God bless America.

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