Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Yesterday in the euphoric atmosphere of the inauguration the one word that kept being repeated was hope. The throngs of Obamatrons were bubbling over with the hope that this man will somehow transform their lives. Over 50 million Americans have put their hope in a man.

The real hope of America and, indeed, the world is not Barrack Hussein Obama or any other man, but Jesus Christ. It is this Jesus that came to earth, while man was still sinful and an enemy of God and lived a perfect life, healed those who were physically sick, even raised the dead. He taught lessons on loving God and loving others. Ultimately, He gave His life as the punishment for everyone's sins. He didn't die for His sins, because He is perfect. He died for my sins and your sins. Those sins separate us from God and will keep us from living eternally with Him when we pass from this life. Then, after He was murdered, He rose, alive on the third day to prove once and for all who He is, God. That one moment in history, Jesus showed that He had the authority to say what He said and do what He did.

With His death and resurrection everyone now has a way to establish a relationship with God. This is a relationship that God wants with all of us (1 Timothy 2:4), but we cannot have that relationship if we reject His son (Mark 8:38, John 14:6). So, the only hope that exists today is not in any man or woman or thing or system of government, it is in Jesus Christ, the Savior, Messiah, the Hope of the world.

Today, I hope that you will see the truth, that Jesus and only Jesus is the hope that all of us can count on.

May God bless you.

May God bless America.

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