Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Politically Correct or Biblically Correct?

If you are Miss California, Carrie Prejean, you choose Biblically correct and allow God to help you handle what comes next. What comes next in Miss Prejean's case, is a firestorm of criticism from the pro-gay anything crowd. You see tolerance in the gay community only works one way, their way. Otherwise, you are a hate monger. It would be laughable if is wasn't such a sick way to look at things.

If you are a Christ-follower, you have to feel good about how this lady is handling the whole situation starting from her answer to all her subsequent public appearances. She has handled herself with the grace and humility of Miss USA. That is not taking anything away from the eventual winner, Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton. It's just to say, when you watch Miss Prejean, you could definitely see her representing the Miss USA title in an honorable way.

The lesson this episode teaches those of us who follow Christ is that when the chips are down, when your back is against the wall, when you have that gun to your head and your faith is tested, trust that God is going to bless you when you choose to not be ashamed of your faith and beliefs.

As Charles Stanely says, "Be obedient, and let God take care of the consequences."

Hats off to Miss California, Carrie Prejean! You might have been First Runner up in the pageant, but you are a winner in God's eyes! Your Father in heaven must surely be smiling down on you.

Psalm 27: 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

God Bless You.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Brother Went Home

Our brother went home today. He's with the Father in a much better place than he was on this earth. He's not suffering or anxious or hurting. He's whole and well and experiencing God in a very real way.

We prayed for Paul. We prayed fervently for him to get well. What are we to think now that he did not get well? Where do we go from here? Were our prayers worth it? Does it seem like we wasted our time? Why did God allow this? Why did Paul suffer so much? And now, what about Judy? How could God allow her to go through this and now wind up alone?

I have to tell you that I am hard-pressed to answer those questions. It's OK to have them.

I am directed towards those verses in Isaiah 55:

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.

9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Though they may not be comforting to the extent that they answer all the questions I just posed, these verses give us insight into how we, as people who trust God, should see events such as this.

We have to come to grips with the fact that we aren't always going to have the answers. It's a matter of trust. Do we trust God enough? Are we going to accept that His ways are higher than ours?

Here's how I see times like these. It's not up to us to necessarily come up with all the answers of why did this or that happen. Now is the time for us to rally around Judy and support her and help her as a family, as her family. And by doing this, we show the rest of the world what the love of God really means.

John 13:35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

That's how I see it.

Maybe you feel differently and that's OK. If you want to discuss it, leave a comment!

God bless you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

But, Is He God?

I bet the majority of people believe that someone named Jesus Christ lived at some time about 2000 years ago. They know what's been said about Him. They probably know the basics. He was born to Mary and Joseph in a manger in Bethlehem. Mary was a virgin. Christmas is the celebration of His birth and many probably think that's when He was born, but that's not the case. Most probably can identify that He had twelve Apostles. I'm certain that a great number of people can tell you that Easter is about when people claim Jesus was crucified, although Easter is when we celebrate his resurrection, not death. That's Good Friday. I'm guessing that's about all that most people can tell you about Jesus.

All of that, of course, is true. But, there's so much more. Jesus is God. He, the Father and the Holy Spirit are all God. Three in one. We call it the trinity, although you won't see the actual word trinity in the Bible. It's one of those God things that's hard to explain.

Well, we know that Jesus was a human man. He was born to a woman, which is one of the prerequisites of being human. He grew up and became a man. At about thirty years old, Jesus started what's called his public ministry. That means He started talking to people about God and life. He went from town to town telling people how God wanted us to live. He talked about love. He talked about not being judgmental. He talked about being honest. He talked about trusting God and having faith. He performed miracles. He healed people's illnesses. He raised some people from the dead. All these things He did, but I'm sure people just thought He was just a good guy. A good teacher. No one really could think of anything negative about Him, because there wasn't anything to tell. It's not like he was telling people to do one thing and He did the opposite. You know and I know, if someone had dirt on Jesus, it would have come out. That's the way people are. No, this Jesus, was perfect, because, after all, He is God and God is perfect.

Admittedly, all of this, except the miracles of course, could have been done by any common man. However, there was one event that proved beyond a shadow of doubt that Jesus was who He claimed to be. He proved He was God by dying on Friday and coming back to life on Sunday. His resurrection is the defining moment of His life as well as Christianity. Without the resurrection, there is no Christianity. And in all these years, approximately 2000 of them, no one can dispute His resurrection. There's no evidence to the contrary. There are no credible claims to discredit the accounts of His resurrection. No one has or can prove that Jesus Christ did not come back to life that glorious Sunday morning.

Jesus is God and that means that His teachings, His views, His life are to be dealt with by every living human because He came to earth to seek and save the lost. Who are the lost? You and me. What does being lost mean? It means that you and I do things our way instead of the way Jesus taught. We don't live to make God look good. Even when we might do a good thing, we don't give God the credit. We take it ourselves. In essence we live a selfish, self-centered life with God nowhere in sight.

We need to accept the gift Jesus offers. The gift made possible by His death and resurrection. That gift is the cleaning or forgiving of our sins which keep us from having a relationship with Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Look at the evidence. You know for sure Jesus is a real person, who is also God because of the perfect life He led, the miracles He performed and His resurrection from the dead. It's overwhelming evidence as to who Jesus is.

He is God.

He has a gift for all who will accept it.

Now you know.

What will you do with Jesus?

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday-The Empty Tomb

So, Sunday came and the tomb was empty.

So, what?

Well, I'll tell you, it means everything if you call yourself a Christ follower. Without the resurrection, Christianity is a sham.

Thanks to God, however, that aint so.

Jesus was not in the tomb.

No one stole His body, because, for sure it would have shown up and killed the Christian movement. How could the disciples have stolen the body? They all scattered when Jesus died. They were scared. They were confused. There's no way they could have gotten past the Roman guards, much less moved that stone covering the opening. Then, if they did take the body, would they have taken the time to carefully leave the linens behind? I think you would have to say, no! And, the Romans or Jews didn't take the body. If they did, surely they would have produced it to put a stop to these religious rebels. That never happened.

Maybe Jesus was not dead. Well, not so fast. Then, how did He unwrap himself from 75-100 pounds of linen and then move that stone out the way all by himself? No, that's not it either. Besides, the Roman guard at the crucifixion pierced Jesus's side with a spear and water and blood came streaming out. That's a sure sign He was dead.

No, there's no other plausible explanation except that Jesus miraculously came back to life and removed Himself from that tomb in the rock. He showed Himself to over 500 people. That recorded in the Bible. Surely, if that did not happen, someone would have reported that to someone. However, that report never came because it really happened.

Jesus came back to life proving to the entire world who He is; God. The Messiah. The Savior. He is who He claimed to be and He proved it once and for all by being resurrected from the dead.

He is the sinless sacrifice for our sins. He is now alive, in heaven, awaiting His return.

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Good Friday. I'm not sure where the name of this day comes from. It doesn't come from the Bible. Some people think it's an oxymoron. but it's not. This is Good Friday in every sense of the word. This is the day the Messiah died for our sins so we wouldn't have to pay the penalty ourselves.

Good Friday is the day we remember Jesus's death. His substitutionary death. You see people are sinful by nature. We do things our way and not God's way. That is sin. God has told us that the penalty for sin is death. And there is nothing we can do on earth to pay the penalty for living life our way and ignoring God's way. We are destined for eternal separation from God in hell because of our sin. There is a way out, though. Jesus. He came to earth. He lived a sinless life. He died to pay that penalty for us. It was His gift to humanity. We need to accept that gift to be able to spend eternity with God in heaven. This is the day we remember His death.

Now, His death is not the end. Although Jesus died on Friday, Sunday's a comin!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bowing to a King

Well, the "One" did it again. Can anyone deny the reports of his Muslim roots are true? Can we see that from his first interview as President with Al-Arabiya TV to his lukewarm (at best) embracing of Israel as one of our staunchest allies to now bowing to the king of a country who is not really our friend and a leader who bankrolls terrorsts around the world, that this man is in no way anything other than Muslim at heart?

With that bow he put the United States of America in submission to the Muslim world. By bowing, "O" acknowledged the superiority of this "king" and subjected himself to this monarch who denigrates women. However, one day the "One" will bow to the real King, the King of kings! On that day he will give an account of his behavior and actions and words. On this glorious day, no matter what he does to the great country and how he influences the world, Barack Hussein Obama will bow to Jesus Christ and declare Him the real King!

Get used to this gang. We're pulling back to the pack as a country. We're not No. 1 anymore. At least not in Obama's eyes. We're just one of many. It's that Leninist view he has. Nothing special, just one of the workers.

Well, I just don't buy that, but he's in charge of this land for now. With his cohorts, Reid and Pelosi, he is dismantling this country. He's doing it fast and he has the media on his side, so there'll be no questioning the big man. However, as those of us who vehemently disagree with the President organize and our ideas percolate and we get out there and let our voices be heard, the tide will change as it did when we all came to realize what a disaster Jimmy Carter was. We can make the first steps in 2010. I think we will. I hope we will. But if we don't, that's OK, because on the day that Jesus returns, and He will certainly return, all will be made right.

On that day, we will all bow down and declare who the real King is. That King is our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ!

To God be the glory!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.