Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Politically Correct or Biblically Correct?

If you are Miss California, Carrie Prejean, you choose Biblically correct and allow God to help you handle what comes next. What comes next in Miss Prejean's case, is a firestorm of criticism from the pro-gay anything crowd. You see tolerance in the gay community only works one way, their way. Otherwise, you are a hate monger. It would be laughable if is wasn't such a sick way to look at things.

If you are a Christ-follower, you have to feel good about how this lady is handling the whole situation starting from her answer to all her subsequent public appearances. She has handled herself with the grace and humility of Miss USA. That is not taking anything away from the eventual winner, Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton. It's just to say, when you watch Miss Prejean, you could definitely see her representing the Miss USA title in an honorable way.

The lesson this episode teaches those of us who follow Christ is that when the chips are down, when your back is against the wall, when you have that gun to your head and your faith is tested, trust that God is going to bless you when you choose to not be ashamed of your faith and beliefs.

As Charles Stanely says, "Be obedient, and let God take care of the consequences."

Hats off to Miss California, Carrie Prejean! You might have been First Runner up in the pageant, but you are a winner in God's eyes! Your Father in heaven must surely be smiling down on you.

Psalm 27: 1 The LORD is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?

God Bless You.

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