Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday-The Empty Tomb

So, Sunday came and the tomb was empty.

So, what?

Well, I'll tell you, it means everything if you call yourself a Christ follower. Without the resurrection, Christianity is a sham.

Thanks to God, however, that aint so.

Jesus was not in the tomb.

No one stole His body, because, for sure it would have shown up and killed the Christian movement. How could the disciples have stolen the body? They all scattered when Jesus died. They were scared. They were confused. There's no way they could have gotten past the Roman guards, much less moved that stone covering the opening. Then, if they did take the body, would they have taken the time to carefully leave the linens behind? I think you would have to say, no! And, the Romans or Jews didn't take the body. If they did, surely they would have produced it to put a stop to these religious rebels. That never happened.

Maybe Jesus was not dead. Well, not so fast. Then, how did He unwrap himself from 75-100 pounds of linen and then move that stone out the way all by himself? No, that's not it either. Besides, the Roman guard at the crucifixion pierced Jesus's side with a spear and water and blood came streaming out. That's a sure sign He was dead.

No, there's no other plausible explanation except that Jesus miraculously came back to life and removed Himself from that tomb in the rock. He showed Himself to over 500 people. That recorded in the Bible. Surely, if that did not happen, someone would have reported that to someone. However, that report never came because it really happened.

Jesus came back to life proving to the entire world who He is; God. The Messiah. The Savior. He is who He claimed to be and He proved it once and for all by being resurrected from the dead.

He is the sinless sacrifice for our sins. He is now alive, in heaven, awaiting His return.

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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