Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Miss California Saga - The Light Shines on Who Really is the Hater

Carrie Prejean is still Miss California USA. As she should be.

The past three weeks have done one thing and that is shone the light on who really are the haters in the gay marriage issue and it's not the people who believe that marriage is exclusively between a man and a woman.

The 21-year old Miss Prejean has endured personal attacks to her character, her intellect, her appearance and her faith. Not to mention having to see her parents attacked as well.

And how has she responded? With grace and civility. She's been silent these three weeks, allowing those who are on the pro-gay side to launch a barrage of hate-filled, intolerant attacks on her. And she kept silent. She took it. Time after time. Day after day. Even hour after hour she was villified, mocked, insulted and attacked on YouTube, on blogs, on Facebook, on Twitter, on cable and in the failing and rapidly insignificant network TV and print media.

Yet, she kept silent.

That is, until today.

Today, at the press conference so deftly promoted and orchestrated by "The Donald", Miss Prejean spoke her mind about the created controversy and resulting attacks. As she has to date, she represented her God, herself, her state and her country flawlessly. Not holding anything back, she intelligently, steadfastly and lovingly stood up for her answer which was based fully on her faith and rather obvious fabulous upbringing. She stood up to those who would have flung rotten vegetables at her had they had the chance. Instead of an eye for an eye approach, she talked about her faith, her right to free speech and how she forgave those who were so hateful and intolerant of her. She reaffirmed her belief that marriage is exclusively between one man and one woman.

She showed love and tolerance to those who will never know what those words really mean.

In the end, the light of reality shone on those hate-filled, intolerant people who attacked Carrie Prejean, but an even brighter light, the light of the love of God shone on Miss Prejean. The light that is the light of Jesus.

The other day I wondered on here if it mattered if we stood up for Christian values. Miss Prejean has shown me that indeed we should. Not necessarily by seeking out areas to speak out against, although, I think that is OK, but when things come up in our day-to-day lives, we should unashamedly and forthrightly, with love, state those values and stick to them. Let God take care of the consequences. We see, that, in Carrie Prejean's case, and so we can rest assured in our lives too, God took care of her and got her through what could have been a personal disaster.

God is good all the time!

To Him be the glory.

May God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, One Woman. It's Biblical, Not Political!

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