Friday, May 29, 2009

Neither Jew nor Greek

There's a lot of controversy over the new Supreme Court nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. One of the controversies surrounds her statement about how a Hispanic woman (latina) judge makes better decisions than a white male judge because of her life experiences. President Obama calls that empathy. He wants someone who applies empathy to their judicial decisions rather than just applying the rule of law. That means, instead of just applying the law equally to everyone, Obama wants a judge, and apparently has one in Sotomayor, who takes into consideration the person and their life situation when making a ruling. No longer will the law be applied equally to everyone when Sotomayor becomes a Supreme Court Justice, and she will be confirmed because the Democrats have the votes to confirm her. The highest court in the land will be changed for a very long time once Judge Sotomayor is seated.

So this means that someone who the soon to be Justice sees as disadvantaged will probably have more of a standing in her court than anyone else. She will side with a minority or an immigrant or a woman or a poor person or a homosexual because of her perception of their life's disadvantages. Why, some would ask, is this a bad thing? Well, it's one of those things that can start out being perceived as good. I mean, who doesn't root for the underdog? We want to see disadvantaged people get ahead. We want all Americans to do well and not be taken advantage of in any situation. However, what happens when you, who might not be in one of these categories, go to court, and you are already on the losing end because of who you are and you aren't even given the chance to state your case? That happened to a group of firemen from Connecticut in Sotomayor's court. She dismissed their suit summarily without even hearing the case. Why? Because they were mostly white with one Hispanic in the group. Fairness is an important aspect of any judicial hearing. She, Sotomayor, applies her own fairness to her decisions, apparently.

Thankfully, when we talk about God, we have no such worries. Galatians 3:26-29, James 2:1-11, Romans 2:6-10 and I'm sure there are other examples throughout the Bible too numerous to list here, where we see God telling us that everyone is treated equally by Him. Thank God! So, He does not care if you are rich or poor, white, black, brown, yellow, from the US, Indonesia, or Russia, man or woman. All receive equal treatment from God. We are not subject to the whim of a God who decides things on who you are and what you've experienced. All are welcome and given equal treatment!

So, as the days go by and you hear about empathy and unequal treatment on the part of the new Supreme Court Justice nominee, rest assured that God does not play favorites. You are equal with the giants of the Christian faith when you choose to give your life over to Christ. So, you are equal with Paul the apostle. God will treat you just the same as He treats Billy Graham. You can count on it!

Once again we are reassured that no matter what man does, God does it better.

When you join God's family, you are welcomed as the individual you are and take on the identity of God's child which ensures that you are treated without prejudice by the Creator of the Universe! What a great promise that is!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, One Woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

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