Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cast Your Anxieties on HIM!

Life sometimes gets overwhelming, doesn't it? Worries get the best of us sometimes with job insecurity or loss, the economy going so badly, maybe you have an issue with a wayward child or family member, or you or someone close to you is battling a serious health problem. Life has its ups and downs and sometimes those downs can be pretty low and it seems like it is all piling up on you while you are down there. And, by the way, if you are a Christ follower, you are not immune, I repeat, you are not immune from this.

Thankfully, we have a God who loves us. A God who is big enough to carry our burdens for us. And, oh, He is not only able, He wants to do that for us!

Peter writes in 1 Peter 5:7, "Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you."

Of course the "He" Peter writes about is God. The Rock is telling us that we can toss all our cares, anxieties, worries on God and He'll carry them for us. We don't have to bear those burdens ourselves. Isn't that a great promise?

With this promise, however, we have to do something. That is often the case. God promises to bless us in some way, IF we'll do it HIS way! So, what is it we have to do? We have to "cast" our anxiety on Him. That's an action we have to take. The word cast means to throw. That means you must let go of those worries. By throwing them to God, you have to let them go. Be done with them. Move on and let God be God. God loves you.

Today we are facing many new perils from within our own country and from outside it also. More and more we hear of threats from North Korea, Venezuela, Iran and others who just plain hate us. After 9/11, I think everyone's anxiety level went up.

God wants to relieve us of that worry. He assures us that He will take care of us. He cares for us! After all, if God did not care for us, Jesus would never have come to die for our sins.

Romans 5:8 says it all, "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

God doesn't wait for us to clean our lives up. He didn't wait for you to stop this sin or that sin before His Son died for you. Doesn't that show you that God indeed does care for you? It should.

When you give up your life to Christ, this is the kind of care you get from the King of kings and the LORD or lords.

Please, if you are not a Christ follower, talk to Him. Ask Him to come into your life and invite His Holy Spirit into your heart. This way, you'll be able to cast all your cares on Him! And Peace, the peace that goes beyond all understanding will be yours.

If you are a Christ follower and worries have been getting the best of you, this is a reminder. Let them go and throw them to the Father. He's big enough to take your worries from you and restore that peace to you.

Today, Christ is the answer. He's the Hope we have.

Won't you trust Him with your life today? He died for you. He died so you can live your life to the fullest. And one way that happens is when we let go and throw our worries to Him and allow Him to bear them freeing us to live our lives to the fullest extent for Him and others.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One Man, one woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

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