Tuesday, June 16, 2009

David Letterman - Funny or Just Plain Mean?

If you surf the web, by now you've, no doubt, read about what David Letterman said about Sarah and Willow Palin. He called Sarah a slut and he "joked" about 14-year old Willow being made pregnant during the Yankee game by Alex Rodriguez. Wow! Is that funny or what?

David Letterman is headed towards Al Franken land. He's getting older and meaner as time goes by. Instead of marginalizing those with whom he disagrees politically, he's marginalizing himself. How can anyone watch this guy anymore? He's pathetic.

Then, you have to love the non-apology apology. He apologizes saying that his "joke" about Willow was "misunderstood". Yes, that's what people say when they aren't really saying they are sorry. When they have no remorse. He, in fact, put down those who criticized him by basically saying, I'm sorry you weren't "hip" enough to "get it". So, really, he's insulting those who rightly criticized him.

Letterman is a sad man. He hides behind his "comedian" tag thinking that gives him a pass. But what good is a comedian when he's just not funny anymore? He's not worth watching. It's because of those like him that Air America and liberal shows don't get any ratings. No one is watching them because they are too mean-spirited and thus make themselves inconsequential. Olberman, Maher, Matthews, and their ilk just don't matter anymore. Their dismal ratings show that. They are the white noise of cable.

American's want debate. That's what makes us strong. We want to hear points of view, but not this. Not skewering and attacking and insulting the other side. Especially, not attacking and making sex jokes about the teen daughter of those with which you disagree.

What do you think? Leave a comment.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Marriage: One man, one woman. It's Biblical, not Political!

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