Friday, November 6, 2009

A Sigh of Relief, but a Call to Not Let Up

OK, so Election Day is over and the Republicans did really well. All seems better with the world.

It has only taken nine months for Barack Obama to wake the citizens of this country up to the reality of his idea of transforming the country. He's turning it into a socialist regime that holds dear to the tenet that big, intrusive government and not the people is the answer to all of society's ills.

Obamacare/Pelosicare is the government takeover of your health care. Taxes will increase due to the shear size of the cost (now estimated at a staggering $2,000,000,000.00 (that's TRILLION)) and the quality of care will necessarily decrease because so many more people will be inserted into the system. Wait times to see doctors and get critical tests will skyrocket. The quality of life in America will suffer greatly all because of this man's "vision". Can we afford that? Do we really want that?

Cap and trade, which is the single largest tax increase in the planet's history will kill this country. Whatever your thoughts are on global warming or climate change or whatever the latest buzz words are, this is an ill-conceived,, dangerous bill that threatens the lives of every American in the place that is most vulnerable since Obama was elected and that's our wallets. More taxes. Bigger government. More intrusion into our lives. Lower quality of life.

Is that the change you voted for?

Sure, our "image" is better around the world. And the reason for that is obvious. Obama has emasculated this country. He's taken our "swagger" away. He portrays us as weak as the other nations of this planet. He's this century's Neville Chamberlain. Though our image might be better, he's fostered no more cooperation from anyone. Not one foreign leader has jumped on the Obama bandwagon. He's singlehandedly pulled us back to the pack out of the world leadership role we have had for so long. Why would he do that? What is that accomplishing? It's making the world and, worse, our country more dangerous and more in peril.

The people of this country have awakened to see it all slipping away and hopefully it is not too late to save America from slipping away into Europe.

I see some hope, real hope, not the smoke and mirrors hope of Obama in the election results of Tuesday.

We need to keep on keeping on and build momentum for next year and 2012 and take this country back and put it in the right direction again. That direction is fiscal responsibility, less government intrusion in our lives, lower taxes, and more security both domestically and around the world.

God bless you.

May God bless America.

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