Wednesday, November 11, 2009

To All Who Have Worn the Uniform of this Great Land; THANK YOU!

There's not many things more moving than seeing someone in uniform. When you understand the selfless sacrifices they go through so that you and I are free and safe, you have to be moved. I am. My father served in the Army, 1st Armored Division, in World War II and my brothers served in the Air Force and Marines in the early 60s.

Neither of them served in Viet Nam, but they served. I am proud of each of them, as well as grateful for what they did for all of us.

Thank you doesn't seem to be enough, but it comes from my heart.

Here's a thought, if you see a veteran, not only today, but from now on, stop and shake their hand and give them a thanks for serving America.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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