Thursday, March 25, 2010

Don't Be the Silent Majority: Don't Give Up the Fight!

"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." (James 4:17)

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Was there really any doubt that the "One" would get his vote? I mean the demweasels have their price, even if it is a political sleight of hand using an Executive Order that has less teeth than a newborn baby. Thank you Mr. Stupak. Although, Bart Stupak was never going to vote against the bill anyway. Why he pulled this charade this long is a mystery, but he's not really two-faced, he's just a liar. Once he caved, the rest of the so-called pro-life democrats followed along. And here we are! Europe!

But, those of us in the majority in this country who oppose the complete takeover of our health care (and then everything else, it seems) by the government cannot let up. We must keep up the pressure, not only on the current crew in Washington, but also on the new people we will vote in come Election Day 2010 and then again in 2012.

For me, I will work tirelessly for the opponents of Chuck Schumer, Kirsten Gillibrand and Steve Israel. They are to blame, with the rest of the democrats, for undermining the foundation of this country. I say dump the lot of them! Dump the Dems!

The United States of America is about personal responsibility, not nanny state handouts. It was built on hard work, honesty, integrity. The grit of generations gone by has gotten us to the position of envy around the world. Sure the bad mouth us, but when there is trouble, either politically or naturally, who does the world look to? The United States of America. That's because we could be counted on to give money, resources and people to help in times of trouble.

This country was founded on great Judeo-Christian principles of doing good to others while living free. Having freedom WITH responsibility and not freedom from responsibility, which the current Democratic-controlled government is touting.

We need to keep fighting to get this country back and not lose heart. We endured Carter, we can fix this problem too.

Get involved. Get vocal. Let your representatives know they are out. Find out who is running against them and help those folks out! Run for office yourself! Do SOMETHING to change this.

Don't be like the people who don't vote and then complain about taxes.

OK, now, take the pledge. Pledge today to do something positive for this country. If we all band together, we can have America back and better for everyone!

God bless you.

And may God show mercy to America.

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