Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Obama Shows Himself For Who He Is

Mr. Obama showed that he no longer considers himself the President of the United States, but now is the dictator of the US by announcing he was ready to ram through the healthcare bill even though the vast majority of Americans do not want it. So much for government "of the people, by the people and for the people".

Instead of this ill conceived, never able to pay for, bankrupt the country bill, Mr. Obama should have scrapped it and regrouped. Instead of forcing people into a Medicare-like plan, why not make it so the free market, (You remember the free market, right?) can work to make it more affordable so the people who aren't covered and want to be covered (there's always going to be people who do not want coverage) can get coverage.

That's not Mr. Obama's plan. His plan is to make the federal government take over your life. He wants the government in charge of you not you in charge of the government. I'm not Oliver Stone. I don't buy into conspiracy theories. This man, however, is doing everything he can to increase the size, scope and power of the federal government. He is not listening to the citizens of this country. Not at all.

We all need to speak to our representatives and let them know that in no uncertain terms do we want this country to go in the direction Mr.Obama is taking it. That is not the America we want.

It's time to organize.

It's time to act.

Don't let the country slip away.

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