Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Enough Already - Some Random Thoughts

Are you as fed up as I am with this new Administration trying to jam "change" down our throats? Change that hurts America. I wonder if the people who so erroneously voted for this man are happy with what's going on. The polls show, not so much.

Our government is set up to do just a few things. When America was founded by Tom Jefferson and all those guys, they envisioned a limited federal government. Does our federal government seem limited to you? No and it's expanding with each passing day under Barack Obama.

The federal government should defend the country, regulate commerce and build intrastate roadways and bridges. After that, they should leave everything else to the states.

The borders need to be closed up and defended. 12-20 million illegal immigrants from Mexico and Central America in our country. This problem has been ongoing for a very long time. This is an easy one. Stop the flow of people over our southern border and make those who are here illegally, thus making them criminals, go home. We love immigrants in America. LEGAL immigrants. My ancestors came here LEGALLY. That's how my family got here. That's how all of our families (in whole or partly) have wound up in this great country. We need more Border Agents and they need the best equipment possible.

We need a strong and well equipped and well cared for military. In these post 9/11 days, our military is more important than ever. We need for them to not only have the best equipment, but we need to care for them and their families. They need a livable wage and benefits. This is imperative.

We need a strong Central Intelligence Agency. We must give this agency the resources and powers they need to get information to keep us safe. In the Bush years, this happened. Water boarding? Hey, I'm all for anything that will get the bad guys to talk. If they need to be persuaded in a strong way to give up information, then so be it. We are talking about the welfare of our country. What Obama is doing allowing Holder to do to the CIA is criminal. We need to support these brave people, not prosecute them! Thomas Sowell has a great article about this.

The government needs to stay out of health care. They cannot run anything efficiently. We need to be able to buy health insurance across state lines. We need reform on malpractice awards. We need frivolous lawsuits stopped. The major reason health care costs are skyrocketing is malpractice insurance rates. This is also causing doctors to leave the medical field. We need other reforms, such as covering pre-existing conditions. But these are things that can be solved without the government takeover of the entire health care industry.

We cannot afford the government to administer our health care. They will wind up rationing care. Quality will suffer. Health care will suffer greatly if we allow them to do this. SAY NO! We need reform, but not a federal take over. That is what Obama wants. That's not what we need.

We need free speech protected. Right now, the media is pro Obama. They love the guy and don't report honestly about him and his administration. Obama wants to squelch those who oppose him and his policies. That sounds like Russia, doesn't it? Ever wonder why he has so many "Czars"? Anyway, I digress, he knows if he controls the media, he controls the country. It's a classic totalitarian dictatorial technique. Chavez is doing it in Venezuela. This country was born on dissent. We need all points presented freely. We need that preserved.

America is being changed by someone with no regard to our constitution or history. Obama has a radical view of America. He wants to make it something that was unintended by our founders. Big government taking over everything. Trillions of dollars being spent that you and I will have to pay for in higher, more oppressive taxes. More government control over your lives. Less quality of care in our health care industry. Freedom of speech being squashed like they did in the Soviet Union. What's going on here? Why is there not more outrage? More yelling? More protesting?

America is eroding under our feet. Will we just stand and take it? Smile? Not do anything because we're afraid of standing up and opposing Obama and being labeled a racist because of his skin color? Look, black, brown, white or green, this guy is ruining our country and the people going along with him, your congressman and senators, are complicit and should be held accountable. Schumer, Gillibrand, Bishop, Israel and the lot should be voted out. We should send a message that they work for us. We don't kowtow to them.

Enough already It's time to take back our country.

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