Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Obama Friendly ACORN in a Scandal that Rages On - Charlie Gibson from ABC Laughs

ACORN, the community organization that receives millions (and is slated to receive billions, yes, that's billions with a "b") more) that is being overrun with scandal after scandal and with very close, intimate ties to Obama is being ravaged by scandal after scandal, the most recent one involving a pimp and a prostitute and illegal, underage girls from Nicaragua. Foxnews (and not too many other so-called news outlets) is covering this deeply disturbing story as is the blogosphere, but apparently, the biggest scandal to rock Obama to date has somehow kept itself from one Charles Gibson of ABC. Good thing you're retiring Charlie (or maybe you already have).

Yesterday, Gibson was a guest on the Wade and Roma show being broadcast on 890 WLS radio out of the Windy City. In light of the growing ACORN scandal (one of many brewing for this questionable organization) co-host Don Wade asked the following question of the soon to be retired Mr. Gibson::

Okay, here’s my news question. A Senate bill yesterday passes, cutting off funds to this group called ACORN. Now, we got that bill passed and we have the embarrassing video of ACORN staffers giving tax advice on how to set up a brothel with 13-year-old hookers. It has everything you could want – corruption and sleazy action at tax-funded organizations and it’s got government ties. But nobody’s covering that story. Why?

Gibson: HAHAHAHAHA. HEHEHE. I didn’t even know about it. Um. So, you’ve got me at a loss. I don’t know. Uh. Uh. But my goodness, if it’s got everything including sleaziness in it, we should talk about it this morning.

Roma: This is the American way!

Gibson: Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.

Roma: Well, I think this is a huge issue because there’s so much funding that goes into this organization…

Gibson: I know we’ve done some stories about ACORN before, but this one I don’t know about...

Roma: Jake Tapper did some blogging on it. I know he’s blogged at least once on this scandal.

Gibson: You guys are uh really up on the website

A couple of things here:

#1 - Apparently, laughing like a schoolgirl is a technique the left uses so as to minimize a topic or opposition to "O" as if the story was so unimportant and of no value. Charles Gibson is a joke now and the laughs are on him. Good thing he's getting out, because he's of no value to anyone and the only role he's filling at ABC is keeping his seat warm.

#2 - The left keeps attacking Foxnews ("Or maybe this is just one you leave to the cables.") Foxnews is single-handely crushing network "news". It's not really news that the networks provide. It's more of an Obama PR stream. At least Foxnews gives all sides of the story. The networks don't think opposing views are that important since they are Obama advocates. And, isn't it funny how they think they need the Fairness Doctrine? Well, they need it to silence outlets like Foxnews and Talk Radio because they are the last vestiges of dissent against "the one".

This reminds me of what that cuddly Robert Gibbs said on Saturday about the 1.2 million people that were outside of the Capitol in D.C.vehemently protesting Obamacare, the huge deficit, out of control government spending and basically every economic policy of the current administration because they are driving us into oblivion on the backs of the middle class, our children, and our grandchildren. "I don't know who the group is," Gibbs told the press. Yeah, sure Bobby. Your administration is crumbling around you and you don't know about the "group" snarling traffic all around the Capitol building. I guess it's just a busy Saturday on the Mall. A tour bus must have let out up the block. What a buffoon.

If you are watching network "news", you aren't getting the whole story. You have no idea that the President's friends ("Judge me by the people with whom I surround myself.") are falling all around him. Van Jones the "Green Jobs Czar" who is a self-proclaimed Communist, who signed a "Truther" petition suggesting George Bush had something to do with 9/11 (are you kidding me?) and who thinks white men are deliberately directing pollutants into minority areas resigned in disgrace. Now, ACORN, with the most intimate ties to Obama, is shown in shocking undercover videos in several cities giving people advice on how to run whore houses without the IRS finding out, as well as how to hide the fact that underage girls brought in illegally from Nicaragua, were going to be used to work those whore houses. Nice, eh? These are the President's close associates, advisers and, yes, friends. These Czars have to go, but you would never hear that on the network so-called news shows, because, HAHAHAHAHA, those aren't important stories for you to hear. They just "get past" those giants of news journalism.

Whoever controls the media, controls the people. Why aren't you getting the whole story? Why are people like Charlie Gibson not telling you everything you should know?

Questions that are worth asking and deserve answers.

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