Monday, September 14, 2009

Rep Joe Wilson - He Just Said What We Were All Thinking

Let's face it, Joe Wilson just yelled out what millions of Americans have been yelling out for months now; he just said it in a very public and high profile environment. The President lied, he lies and will continue to lie. It's not what he says, it's what he does which is completely opposite of what his words portray.

The One is suffering greatly from foot in mouth disease. Liars have this one trait. Their arrogance increases as their lies become more and more outrageous. That's the O's way.

He's attacking those who are calling him on all the lies he's telling.

If he were a child, he'd have been grounded for about a year for all the lies he's told. At this point, his parents would be seeking counseling for him.

Even with the media fully behind this disaster of a President, the lies are coming out and the American people, Republican, Democrat, Independent, are getting wise to this emperor with no clothes. He's falling fast and hard and will more than likely surpass Jimmy Carter as the worst President in modern times.

Now, to keep the pressure up, we must act and act decisively. We need to keep contacting our representatives and senators to tell them no to this joker's agenda. Tell them they'll get voted out if they don't listen to you. Taking their power away is the ultimate threat.

Get involved! Stay informed! Don't let this liar and his minions take this country down!

God bless you.

God bless America!

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