Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Apology Accepted Mr. McGwire, but Don't Bother Packing for Cooperstown

At first when Mark McGwire told the world what we already suspected that he had taken steroids, I thought, "Well, it's about time!" But then I thought about it and now that apology rings hollow when you look back at a very recent event, the voting for the Hall of Fame. McGwire was named on just 23% of the ballots.

To me McGwire's apology is just a veiled attempt to garner sympathy for future votes.

As a parent who doles out consequences on a regular basis, I have to tell Mr. McGwire that his apology doesn't relieve him of the consequences for his actions. Accept the apology, sure. However, he shouldn't be packing for Cooperstown.

As a lifelong baseball fan I say he's not welcomed in that hallowed hall. If they can ban Shoeless Joe Jackson on charges that really cannot be proved and they can keep Pete Rose, who admitted he bet on baseball games, out of the Hall of Fame, then Mark McGwire should experience the same ban. If this man is ever voted into the HOF, I will never, ever go there again.

It's time baseball got tough on these cheaters, confessed or not, and expunged them from all the records and make sure they never enter the Hall of Fame as inductees. The one thing baseball always protected was its integrity and with the inclusion of such cheaters, that integrity is at the very least in question.

I love the game of baseball. It has always been and will always be my favorite game, but I will be hard pressed to embrace the game I love if cheaters such as Mark McGwire are welcomed into the very institution that celebrates individuals who accomplished great things ON THEIR OWN.

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