Friday, January 8, 2010

How Can the Conservatives Take Our Country Back?

The Obama administration is imploding under its own weight with the health care disaster they call reform, ACORN, Tim Geitner's indiscretions, being soft and incompetent on terror, Janet Nepalitano saying the system worked when someone actually was able to board a plane with explosives in his Fruit of the Looms, slow to react when we are attacked, not caring about Americans safety by bringing the 9/11 trials to a civilian court in New York City, not caring about what the majority of citizens want when it goes against what the Democratic party wants, the Louisiana Purchase where they gave Louisiana $300 million to sway a vote on health care, bribing Ben Nelson of Nebraska with a sweetheart deal for his state to get him to vote Yes to this health insurance legislation that will bankrupt the country and I can go on and on but I don't want to continue to write the longest sentence I have ever written.

You get the idea.

All that being said, how can the Conservatives take advantage of the situation as the liberal Democrats did last year? What do they have to do to win back the hearts and minds of America?

Number 1 is they have to embrace the fiscal conservatism of Reagan. Continue to say "No" to mortgaging our future and the futures of our children and grandchildren and give attractive, real fiscally-sound alternatives and keep hammering it home. Do not let up.

Number 2 is they need to keep telling the country how unsafe we have become since this administration has come to power. There are plenty of examples. They need to keep that in the media.

Number 3 is they need to continually tell us how the alleged health care reform the Pelosi/Reid led congress is trying to ram down our throats will make us more unhealthy, hurt the quality of care, limit the care we get, and take the control out of our hands and put it in the government's hands.

Number 3 is they need to continually belittle what the Democrats are doing, just as the Saul Alinsky-inspired Democrats are doing to them. Keep telling America how silly the Dems complaints are. Keep laughing at the absurd solutions they propose. Keep saying how out of date and out of touch the Dems/Libs are with regular Americans. Marginalize them every chance they get.

They need to defeat Coakley in Massachusetts on January 19th in the special election to fill Kennedy's seat.

They need to defeat Gillibrand in New York for her Senate seat.

They need to stop fighting in public.

They need to be smarter at winning over younger voters.

They need to rally the base to get out and vote.

They need to listen to the Teabag Party. They are regular Americans that are fed up with how the government is so dysfunctional and out of touch with what we want.

I am sure we can come up with more, but you get the picture.

We need to support those who can deliver this, so we do not lose this country, which we will if the liberal Democrats, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Schumer and their cohorts are allowed to continue to run amok in this country.

Get out and vote. Get involved. Support those who will listen to you and care about what you want.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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