Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The People Have Spoken. Mr. Obama are You Listening?

With Republican Scott Brown's win in heavily left leaning Democratic Massachusetts last night, the people have started to take back our government. The only question that remains is will Mr. Obama, Mr. Schumer, Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid listen? So far, they haven't shown any indication that they care what the people want. So far, in the first year of Obama, all they care about is the Democratic Party agenda even though the vast majority of citizens are against it.

You know the people are angry when a Democrat cannot win a "Kennedy" seat in Massachusetts the land of the Kennedys. Mr. Scott Brown has shown what he said over and over again is true, that the open Senate seat in Massachusetts is indeed "The People's Seat".

Going from here we will see if the arrogance of the "we won" party will continue to push towards their goal of national health insurance that everyone will be forced to buy or face a stiff penalty. Some in the Democratic party, the party that has controlled Congress for years, seem to have gotten the message, but not the Democratic Party leadership. They have their ideological blinders on and want to force us all into Obamacare, which many people believe is unconstitutional.

It's time to speak out, shout out and tell your representatives, Schumer and Gillebrand, here in NY, that you want them to be more like Scott Brown or you'll vote them out. We need representatives that work FOR us. It is the government OF THE PEOPLE. They work for us. Tell them what you think. We need to put pressure on the Democrats to do what we want, not what their party has been trying to do for years. They don't get it that if the people wanted national health insurance, we would have had it long ago. National health insurance DOES NOT WORK. It hasn't worked anywhere in the world. It won't work here.

Do we need to reform the system? Yes, but not how the Democrats are trying to force us to do it. We need to allow competition across state borders. The Democrats have not even addressed that. Another thing they haven't addressed is malpractice reform. Most doctors will tell you that they have to spend an enormous amount of money on malpractice insurance because of the out of this world awards people get at as a result of winning a suit. That's called tort reform and we need that and so do the doctors. It will drive down healthcare costs immediately.

This is a good day to be an American citizen. It shows one person can make a difference. It's worth the fight. It's a good lesson to point out to your children.

It is said that the Democrats will try some slick maneuvers to ram Obamacare through to force it on all of us even though the message from Massachusetts was loud and clear that no one wants it. This election was a clear mandate AGAINST Obama and his and the Democrats' agenda. Time will tell if Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Gillibrand and the rest of the Democrats will do what the voters who sent them there want and that's to represent the citizens and what they want. If not, then we'll just have to vote them out and put people in there like Scott Brown who will do the will of the people who they serve.

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