Thursday, March 24, 2011

We Can Escape Sin!: 1 Corinthians 10:13

1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us that no temptation will come our way that we cannot resist. God will provide an escape for us. Isn't that a great promise?

Notice, it doesn't say we even have to stand and fight the temptation. As Joseph ran from Potipher's wife, we will be given an escape from sin! We just have to ask Him for that escape.

When I am tempted, I have a choice to make. Give in or not. It's that simple. When Joseph was confronted by Potipher's wife, he said, "How can I sin against God?". He couldn't even conceive in his own mind sinning. And when temptation came his way, God gave him an escape, the front door! Joseph RAN! And that's what we need to do. Run to God asking Him for our escape.

Each and everyday, we make many choices, but the most important choice we make is whether to resist temptation when it comes our way. For when we resist temptation, we maintain our relationship with our heavenly Father. When we do not resist, we let sin get in the way of that relationship.

I always notice that when I do not resist, everything seems to go wrong. Things break. Things at home seem to go wrong. It seems like when I let sin get in the way of my relationship with the Father, my life doesn't go so well.

But, when I am in tune with God and making sure I resist temptation, life seems to go pretty well. I have peace. I feel safe.

When I sin, I feel vulnerable and out there on my own. Not a good feeling.

So, today, when you feel tempted, call on the Father and His promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13 and seek out His escape for you so that you will not sin!

It's a great promise that He will honor each and every time you call on His help!

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