Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wow! It's been a Long While!

It's good to be back. Lost the writing bug for a while, but it's back. I got very political for a while. Yes, I still can't wait to elect a new President. I think this one is just not right for the country and he proves it just about every day. Looking for the right person to come along and run. Not sure who that will be. But, now I want to write about Jesus. About faith. About Christianity. And, hopefully, it's what God wants me to do.

We're in the Lenten season. Easter is coming. Today, as a matter of fact, is known as Ash Wednesday in some faiths.

As we close in on Easter, this is a good time to reflect on what Easter is really all about. Is it about bunnies and candy and new hats? Or is it the culmination of God sending His Son to redeem the human race from our sins?

Easter is a celebration. It's different than most as it's beginning is a sad event, namely death. The death of Jesus. However, it ends in a grand celebration of LIFE. That life is the resurrected Jesus. It is proof positive of who Jesus is. He is God. Always was, always will be.

As we approach that Easter weekend, it's time to examine yourself and take account of how Easter is reflected in your life. Do you live a life that reflects the Risen Savior? Take time this Easter season to honestly look at yourself and see what you can do differently to reflect the awesome fact that God sent His Son to be the substitute sacrifice for our sins, so we could once again enjoy a relationship with Him!

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