Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where's All The Money Coming From?

Lost in all the "stimulus" talk and now with the "budget" coming up and the healthcare package being proposed and this thing and that thing, has anyone yet told us where all this money is coming from? Now, you cannot tell me that there are enough people making over $250K per year to fund all these billions of dollars that all these programs are going to cost. Why should our government set up class warfare where they fund everything on the backs of the five percent or so most successful Americans? That's not fair and I don't think it is possible.

The answer is that you and I and our kids and our grandkids are going to pay for this spending frenzy. We got into a lot of this trouble by borrowing money and now the government is borrowing more money (actually, the woman from Arkansas recently begged the Chinese to buy more of our debt on her initial trip over there) from people who wish us harm and keep poisoning a lot of the products we buy from them. As in every case of loans, this money must be repayed with interest. That money is going to come in the form of higher taxes and a weaker dollar meaning things like milk, bread, clothing will cost us more. Is that a good thing? No, it definitely is not.

What can we do? Well, not much right now, but we have to start supporting those who oppose this reckless spendy spree the likes of which the planet has never seen. We have to ban together and organize this opposition. Protest? Well, yes, peacefully. Write letters. Support those who hold values that oppose "Big Government". Make your voices heard and felt! 2010 will be the first opportunity we have to recapture America and start to undo this mess.

Don't lost heart. This country is bigger than a bunch of socialist, nanny-state loving liberals. But you and I have to get in the game or we'll lose it. We cannot let that happen.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The "O" Speaks!

Well, the President's first speech to a joint session of congress is over! Phew! Wow, so moving. What an orator! What a man! Puhlease! The guy is a savvy, smooth-talkin politician. That's all he is. Along with his sidekick, Rahm Emanuel, he is not letting a good crisis go to waste. Well, they say it's a crisis or at least they were saying that.

Last night we got the Bill Clinton version of the economic mess. Obviously, old Bill has influence, because "O" did exactly what he had suggested, talk optimistically. We got to hear how even in bad times Americans have pulled together and pulled through. We're strong! We aren't quitters! All true, except we didn't have a government putting a strangle-hold on our money and our freedom. Actually, we did once, and that was FDR and his government. They delayed the end of the Great Depression for ten years because of their meddling and bad choices. Read that, they stuck government's giant hand in things and, as usual, made things worse. Experts agree that we would have pulled through quicker if the government hadn't drummed up "The New Deal". It was more like "The Raw Deal". History tells us that's true, however, "O" and his revisionist take on things completely deny that. Not very honest of you, Mr. President.

Of course, he blamed the mess on Bush, who definitely was part of the problem, but the other part was the Democratically-controlled congress led by Democrats Barney Frank and Christ Dodd. I mean, come on, Chris Dodd is the Chairman of the Banking Committee and he didn't see this mess coming?? Wow, nice job there, Chris. You definitely deserve kudos for that. The Democrats fought against further regulation and oversight of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two main culprits in the housing mess, so they can take credit for that debacle.

Now, they wrote a pork-laden spending bill and our President tells us that they don't want to saddle our children and grandchildren with debt they cannot pay. Earth to O, earth to O, you've already done that by signing this bill! The two percent or so of our richest citizens who are about to get a tax increase do not make sufficient salaries to fund this bill. Uh oh, now what? That's right gang, for those of you who are thinking, higher taxes for all, take a bow.

The "O" can sling words right up with the best of them. but being a good speech maker does not make you a good anything. Having the gift of gab rarely qualifies anyone for anything. Even Bill Murray's Lounge Singer sounded smooth, but of course, that didn't mean he could sing. And, our illustrious President is in that category. One thing he is for sure, though, and that's a slick politician and I don't mean that in a good way. After all, he's from the Chicago school of politics. Also, NOT a compliment.

Our future looks dim, America. It's been mortgaged to the hilt by this President and there's no saying the next president can fix things. We can only hope that by the mid-term elections, we all wake up to the harsh reality that is Obamaworld and we change congress. That's the only thing that might stem the tide of deterioration here in this great land.

We're not dead yet America. However, our doctor is a quack and that's not a good thing for our health. If we rally together around sound ideas and ideals, we can fix this mess. It will have to be without the current government officials, however, and that change will have to take place in 2010.

Stand firm. Keep your eyes open. Don't lose hope.

God bless you and may God have mercy on America.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

This, That, and the Other Thing

I have had a problem deciding what to write about. These days there seems to be so much wrong going on that it is difficult to pick what topic to write about.

Our illustrious President sold us down the river to Socialism to the tune of about $9 trillion by signing the biggest, pork-laden bill in the history of the world. I saw a poll that said 75% of New Yorkers supported him in this. Apparently, they don't realize that all that money is coming from us, the people, not some magic spring of money. We're going to pay dearly for this, monetarily, as well in our loss of freedom.

The car companies want more money. Many predicted this. They are in shambles. Their management has run each company into the ground and now we're supposed to trust them with our money. I say, let them file for chapter 7 or 11 or whatever. Get the management out of there and get people in there who can deal with the unions (if that's possible) and run these companies in a profitable way. We don't want anyone to fail, but if you can't do the job, step aside and let someone more qualified in there. That's what happens to everyday folks like you and I.

Why haven't Democats Chris Dodd and Barney Frank been investigated? These guys deceived the American people about the entire mortgage mess, which is what got us here in the first place. Why did they fight for regulation when George Bush wanted to oversee Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae? They are the ones (Dodd, specifically fillebustered the bill) that blocked the oversight of the agencies from which they (Dodd and Frnak ) received millions of dollars from. When you want to find out the source of the smell, just follow the money. It always leads to the big pile of garbage.

Now there's some made up flap over a New York Post cartoon showing two police officers standing over a dead chimp that they just shot. The one officer says, "Now they'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Of course, the PC police are up in arms! Al Sharpton wants an explanation! It's RIDICULOUS! George Bush received the same kind of treatment and even worse, but no one on the left (Democrats) was shocked and disgusted by that! Look, it's a political satire commenting on the horrendous bill that congress wrote and passed and was signed by the One. Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. (That courtesy of my good friend and brother Mike.)

People, our lives have now changed in ways we won't comprehend for some time. We're not the America of the greatest generation. We've changed and not for the better. Hold on, we're in for a bumpy ride.

Let's hope that in two years we come to our senses and we start the march back to greatness by voting out the louts (Democrats) that have sold our country and their souls. It's time to organize and get people in there that embrace the America of Ronald Reagan and not Jimmy Carter.

God bless you.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who's Your Daddy America? It's Uncle Sam

When the One was elected I said goodbye to America. Now, the body has finally been laid to rest with the passing of the most far-reaching, pork-laden, future generation mortgaging spending bill ever to come out of the darkness of Washington, D.C. Remember when the then future President told us that $176B was needed to "fix" the economy? Does anyone remember that? Now, it's possibly up to $9 Trillion. Our future has been ruined by the Democratic party with the help of three spineless RINOs (Republican In Name Only). America is in ruins and it didn't come from an enemy from outside our borders, it came from within. The Democratic party did what countless enemies (including the 19 hijackers) could not do, they brought America down.

Now, although O said there'd be no earmarks, that's about all there is in this bill. Lobbyists lined up and worded the bill such that it hides the earmarks, but rest assured, they are in there. Oh, and good bye to our healthcare system. Instead of having some bean counter in an insurance company making medical decisions about your care, now some bureaucrat in Washington is going to decide what care is cost effective for you. That gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling doesn't it?

Has anyone asked where all this money is coming from? There are no freebies here gang. You and I will be paying for this and so will generations to come. The government, who helped cause this problem with a lending scandal, will now be borrowing more money to "fix" the problem. Apparently, they did not learn from FDR that the government can't fix the economy, they can only perpetuate the problem.

The scoundrels in this government, Frank, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid and their ilk have sold us down the river. This is mainly on the Democrats people. No blaming Bush anymore. The ball is firmly in O's and his gang's hands. We're in for it now.

Now, get ready. You will have less money to spend and the little you will have left, won't buy as much. But, you should feel good about the fat cats in Washington, I'm sure they will take care of themselves. Oh, wait, they already did. They voted themselves a raise. They already don't pay for healthcare. That's fair, isn't it? They don't contribute to Social Security. That's fair, isn't it? They make the rules that you and I have to live by, but exempt themselves from it. That's fair, isn't it?

I tell you I haven't written in a while because I just didn't know what to write about. The President will go down as the ruination of the USA. Yet, you voted him in, so congratulations America. You helped make that happen.

God please help us!