Thursday, February 19, 2009

This, That, and the Other Thing

I have had a problem deciding what to write about. These days there seems to be so much wrong going on that it is difficult to pick what topic to write about.

Our illustrious President sold us down the river to Socialism to the tune of about $9 trillion by signing the biggest, pork-laden bill in the history of the world. I saw a poll that said 75% of New Yorkers supported him in this. Apparently, they don't realize that all that money is coming from us, the people, not some magic spring of money. We're going to pay dearly for this, monetarily, as well in our loss of freedom.

The car companies want more money. Many predicted this. They are in shambles. Their management has run each company into the ground and now we're supposed to trust them with our money. I say, let them file for chapter 7 or 11 or whatever. Get the management out of there and get people in there who can deal with the unions (if that's possible) and run these companies in a profitable way. We don't want anyone to fail, but if you can't do the job, step aside and let someone more qualified in there. That's what happens to everyday folks like you and I.

Why haven't Democats Chris Dodd and Barney Frank been investigated? These guys deceived the American people about the entire mortgage mess, which is what got us here in the first place. Why did they fight for regulation when George Bush wanted to oversee Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae? They are the ones (Dodd, specifically fillebustered the bill) that blocked the oversight of the agencies from which they (Dodd and Frnak ) received millions of dollars from. When you want to find out the source of the smell, just follow the money. It always leads to the big pile of garbage.

Now there's some made up flap over a New York Post cartoon showing two police officers standing over a dead chimp that they just shot. The one officer says, "Now they'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Of course, the PC police are up in arms! Al Sharpton wants an explanation! It's RIDICULOUS! George Bush received the same kind of treatment and even worse, but no one on the left (Democrats) was shocked and disgusted by that! Look, it's a political satire commenting on the horrendous bill that congress wrote and passed and was signed by the One. Cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. (That courtesy of my good friend and brother Mike.)

People, our lives have now changed in ways we won't comprehend for some time. We're not the America of the greatest generation. We've changed and not for the better. Hold on, we're in for a bumpy ride.

Let's hope that in two years we come to our senses and we start the march back to greatness by voting out the louts (Democrats) that have sold our country and their souls. It's time to organize and get people in there that embrace the America of Ronald Reagan and not Jimmy Carter.

God bless you.

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