Thursday, February 26, 2009

Where's All The Money Coming From?

Lost in all the "stimulus" talk and now with the "budget" coming up and the healthcare package being proposed and this thing and that thing, has anyone yet told us where all this money is coming from? Now, you cannot tell me that there are enough people making over $250K per year to fund all these billions of dollars that all these programs are going to cost. Why should our government set up class warfare where they fund everything on the backs of the five percent or so most successful Americans? That's not fair and I don't think it is possible.

The answer is that you and I and our kids and our grandkids are going to pay for this spending frenzy. We got into a lot of this trouble by borrowing money and now the government is borrowing more money (actually, the woman from Arkansas recently begged the Chinese to buy more of our debt on her initial trip over there) from people who wish us harm and keep poisoning a lot of the products we buy from them. As in every case of loans, this money must be repayed with interest. That money is going to come in the form of higher taxes and a weaker dollar meaning things like milk, bread, clothing will cost us more. Is that a good thing? No, it definitely is not.

What can we do? Well, not much right now, but we have to start supporting those who oppose this reckless spendy spree the likes of which the planet has never seen. We have to ban together and organize this opposition. Protest? Well, yes, peacefully. Write letters. Support those who hold values that oppose "Big Government". Make your voices heard and felt! 2010 will be the first opportunity we have to recapture America and start to undo this mess.

Don't lost heart. This country is bigger than a bunch of socialist, nanny-state loving liberals. But you and I have to get in the game or we'll lose it. We cannot let that happen.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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