Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Embryonic Stem Cells - Wrong in So Many Ways

The Abortion President has now become the Anti-Embryo President by rescinding the Bush Administration's Policy of not providing your tax dollars to pay for human-destroying Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR).

To date, there are NO CURES that have come out of this ethically and morally challenged "research". Embryonic Stem Cell Research takes frozen embryos (unborn babies) and destroys them to use the cells to try to cure certain conditions, such as Parkinson's Disease. A noble cause, but at what price?

Also, the Abortion/Anti-Baby President has unleashed the scientific community to "police" itself to determine what is ethically and morally OK to do. Oh, yes. We want scientists, many of whom are atheists, determining what research is ethical and moral when the result will be them getting millions of dollars in research grants from the government. Sound like a good idea to you?

Hmmmm, yes, we think killing Down's Syndrome children is the ethically/morally correct thing to do for the greater good. Sound far-fetched? I don't think so. This is the perverbial slippery slope to that type of thing. We should not allow any group to make such determinations, especially when people's lives are involved as well as millions of dollars of taxpayers money.

This is from Dawn Vargo, a bioethics analyst: Despite millions and millions of dollars spent on embryonic stem-cell research, it has failed to provide a single cure, anywhere in the world. Without significant advances, it looks like this is just the latest government bailout of a morally bankrupt and financially failing industry.
The fact is that embryonic stem cells are economically deprived because they are scientifically bankrupt. Over the last 10 years, we've heard many claims about the potential for cures. But with each passing year we've heard the grandiose promise of cures grow fainter — and patients' hope fade even more.

Why, then, is this "research" still being pursued? Why is it necessary? Why should your tax dollars go to support such a thing when there is no evidence to support its viability or it's "promise"? Well, it goes to the culture of death in the scientific community. Why do people still talk about killing people who are terminally ill? Why is abortion still available? People don't have worth to the scientific community, except as research material. They don't believe that you and I are anything more than a collection of cells with no worth or purpose.

Of course, that cannot be farther from the truth. God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for my sins and your sins and if we had no worth or purpose, you can bet that never would have happened.

This is just another piece of evidence that the Aborion/Anti-Baby President is not a Christian. Oh, he may be a "man of faith", but that faith doesn't value any life and it's a faith that doesn't translate in his actions. So, in the end, it's no faith at all. Just another lie from this guy, but we're getting used to that from him by now.

I don't know what we can do. We can protest. We should contact the White House and voice our opposition to this act. We must. There are innocent lives at stake. Lives that have no voice except ours.

I am not happy with our government right now. They are going in the wrong direction on everything. This is my country, but that's not the kind of government we should have. It's not representative of the people. Oh, with the media in his pocket, he has high approval ratings, but if they actually reported the truth and stopped printing special commemorative magazines about this guy, he'd be run out of town on a rail.

We need to act. We need to organize. We need to communicate in an effective way that this President is not doing the right thing. In two years, we need to vote for a change. The Right Change. Not this type of change. God willing, we'll have good choices then.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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