Thursday, March 19, 2009

Huckabee - Bringing Principle Back to the GOP

In a Washington Times editorial yesterday, Mike Huckabee set out to identify what's wrong with the Republican party. And, what it came down to is like Billy Crystal said in City Slickers, "one thing". That one thing, which Crystal left up to those to whom he was speaking to identify, Huckabee identified for everyone and that is that the Republican party, the GOP, the party of Reagan has abandoned its conservative principles.

He matter of factly and clearly outlined how the party of fiscal and social conservatives have caved and become a party more resembling the party of Jimmy Carter than that of the great Ronald Reagan. They have become a party of conservatives in name only and not in actions.

The basic conservative principles are sound. Limited government. Low taxes. More freedom at the local level to govern. These are the principles set by Thomas Jefferson. This is the crux of the Tenth Amendment. However, today's GOP, previously led by George Bush and John McCain have abandoned these principles, probably because in the end they didn't have the backbone to stay on point in fear of losing elections. Well, they abandoned their principles and did precisely that putting this country on the brink of collapse with a Democatic President and Congress who don't seem to care that they are bankrupting your kids or grandkids.

Now, Mike Huckabee, a man who has successfully run a state as Governor of Arkansas, a man with more managerial experience than our current Oval Office occupant, is set to put the Republicans back on track. If they are smart, they'll listen to this intelligent, articulate, steadfast, honoroable guy and put him in the forefront of the GOP. He has become the voice of the conservative movement in America much like another successful Governor, Ronald Reagan.

Even though we are only 50 days into this incompetent and bumbling administration and the 2012 elections are four years away, you have to believe, right now, Mike Huckabee is the one to watch to bring this country the level-headed, conservative leader we need.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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