Friday, March 20, 2009

Out of the Mouth - The Overflow of the Heart

Matthew 12:34 states: For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

You know where a person's heart is by the words he speaks, which brings me to our illustrious President's public relations, campaign-like stop to the Jay Leno Show last night. Jay, feeding O softball after softball topic, broached the subject of the Whitehouse bowling alley, which many thought would be torn out and replaced with a basketball court because of the current occupant's love for that game. In speaking, sans teleprompter, O tried a self-depricating move telling Jay he's been practicing and actually bowled a 129! And, then, in the ensuing seconds during the laughter, our current defender of the weak, mocked an entire population by saying that his bowling prowess was like "the Special Olympics". Oh, how quaint. The only thing better would have been if he said he bowled like a girl.

First, can you imagine GWB making a comment like that? The media hounds would have barked him up a tree and called for his resignation. I googled "Obama Special Olympics" and found not one major media outlet carrying this horrendous story.

If you aren't a frequenter of Conservative blogs or a Foxnews person, you probably don't know about this story.

What does this comment say about the man? The same as what his enabling government funding of embryonic stem cell research and rescinding the ban on your tax dollars going to fund abortion around the world and the naming of the governor of Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius, the most pro-abortion governor in America, to the post of Secretary of Health and Human Services says about him. In his heart, he gives no worth to a human life whether unborn or special needs.

This is the "man" who is leading the way in this country. If that doesn't scare you, nothing ever will.

It's 60 something days into this present administration. Thank God, 2012 is coming.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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