Friday, March 27, 2009

Where's America Headed? Look @ California

Communications Consultant Jon Kraushar wrote a very interesting editorial on today.

Basically, the point of the article is if anyone is interested to know what Barack Obama is doing to America, California is where they should look.

California, like America was once a vibrant, affluent, great place to live. People flocked there. It was the place to be and be seen! Sun and sea. Skiing in the mountains. Agriculture. Viniculture. In one state, you could swim in the morning and ski in the afternoon. They, along with Florida here in the east, supply much of America with fresh vegetables. And their wine is second to none. California was the land of opportunity. You could go there and make a go of it. Sound eerily familar?

Now, not so much. They have become inundated with illegal immigrants. They have embraced radical evnvironmentalism. They have grown their government, being ruled by the Democratic party, and an increasingly left-leaning Governor, to a size that has become unsustainable. According to Kraushar they lead America in spending on government employees. They are the second highest taxed state in the union.

Folks, that's where we're headed. Barack Obama is bankrupting this country with the same type of ideological, radical leftwing approach to society that has left California teetering on the brink. Borrowing got us in this mess and more borrowing is not going to get us out. Our government doesn't need to spend more, they need to pull spending back to sustainable levels. They are literally printing more and more "money" making what you have less valuable. Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner are driving us into the abyss.

Your kids and grandkids are going to have a radically different country to live in if these men have their way. There will be more poverty. They will have less freedom. The government will have much more control over them. It is not a pretty picture.

California, once the playground of the rich, is now wallowing in bloated government,high taxes, rampant illegal immigration, soaring health care costs and they are a harbinger of where the rest of the country under Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Tim Geitner is headed.

We need to organize. We need to speak out. We need to voice our opposition to the new America. We need to stop this now. Call, write, email your representatives and let them know you'll vote them out if they continue down this road.

Friends, we the people are America. The government works for us and not the other way around. They have to listen.

Please, don't let today end without getting involved!

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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