Thursday, March 12, 2009

Transparency-You Can See Right Through It

Transparency. It's what "O" promised. He promised that bills introduced by the Congress would be put on the Internet for review by us, the citizens they would affect. In fact, they'd be there for 48 hours for anyone to read and scrutinize. Wow! What a great thing! What we got was the largest free-spending spree in the history of the world that got crammed down our throats so quickly not even your representatives had enough time to actually read the wording of the bill before they voted on it. Did it ever make it to the Internet? Yes, if you found a conservative web site that somehow obtained a copy of it, but it was over 1000 pages long and it came out less than 24 hours before the vote. Now, I'm a good reader, but not even an Evelyn Woods Valedicotrian could read that fast.

And then the "imperfact" budget came through. Another $400 billion or so of your hard-earned dollars with over 8000 earmarks. You remember what "O" said about earmarks, those pet projects that the Federal government has for years funded? He said he would eliminate them. He would go "line by line" and root them out. What we got was our President, under the cover of a closed door, signing a pork-laden bill into law that he claimed was old business, imperfect and we'll get to the earmark reform thing next year. Excellent convictions there "O". You certainly are making your mark. I guess Nancy Pelosi didn't want earmark reform and since you've pretty much delegated your presidency to her, that's what we got. Now your people, like DICK Durbin are trying to "redefine" earmarks as good things. Well, which is it? Are you going to eliminate this wasteful spending or are you going to redefine everything that's bad for our country as good so you can get away with it?

Oh and speaking of redefining terms, I see your tax cheat Tim "Turotax" Geitner told Charlie Rose that capitalism is going to be different from now on. Earth to Tim, you economic genius you, if capitalism is going to be different, it's not going to be capitalism!

You have to love this administration. All they have to do is redefine things to mean what they want them to mean and every thing is hunky dory! Nice!

OK Mr. President. I'm redefining being a taxpayer as someone who DOESN'T pay any taxes. You guys should recognize that. See? That was easy.

This President and this administration are a train wreck, but you know what? A lot of people voted for these boobs. Change and hope were the buzz words of his campaign and we can only now hope that change comes in 2010 and we can get America back on track away from this President who has no clue how to lead a country.

God bless you.

May God have mercy on America.

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