Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The "O" Speaks!

Well, the President's first speech to a joint session of congress is over! Phew! Wow, so moving. What an orator! What a man! Puhlease! The guy is a savvy, smooth-talkin politician. That's all he is. Along with his sidekick, Rahm Emanuel, he is not letting a good crisis go to waste. Well, they say it's a crisis or at least they were saying that.

Last night we got the Bill Clinton version of the economic mess. Obviously, old Bill has influence, because "O" did exactly what he had suggested, talk optimistically. We got to hear how even in bad times Americans have pulled together and pulled through. We're strong! We aren't quitters! All true, except we didn't have a government putting a strangle-hold on our money and our freedom. Actually, we did once, and that was FDR and his government. They delayed the end of the Great Depression for ten years because of their meddling and bad choices. Read that, they stuck government's giant hand in things and, as usual, made things worse. Experts agree that we would have pulled through quicker if the government hadn't drummed up "The New Deal". It was more like "The Raw Deal". History tells us that's true, however, "O" and his revisionist take on things completely deny that. Not very honest of you, Mr. President.

Of course, he blamed the mess on Bush, who definitely was part of the problem, but the other part was the Democratically-controlled congress led by Democrats Barney Frank and Christ Dodd. I mean, come on, Chris Dodd is the Chairman of the Banking Committee and he didn't see this mess coming?? Wow, nice job there, Chris. You definitely deserve kudos for that. The Democrats fought against further regulation and oversight of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, the two main culprits in the housing mess, so they can take credit for that debacle.

Now, they wrote a pork-laden spending bill and our President tells us that they don't want to saddle our children and grandchildren with debt they cannot pay. Earth to O, earth to O, you've already done that by signing this bill! The two percent or so of our richest citizens who are about to get a tax increase do not make sufficient salaries to fund this bill. Uh oh, now what? That's right gang, for those of you who are thinking, higher taxes for all, take a bow.

The "O" can sling words right up with the best of them. but being a good speech maker does not make you a good anything. Having the gift of gab rarely qualifies anyone for anything. Even Bill Murray's Lounge Singer sounded smooth, but of course, that didn't mean he could sing. And, our illustrious President is in that category. One thing he is for sure, though, and that's a slick politician and I don't mean that in a good way. After all, he's from the Chicago school of politics. Also, NOT a compliment.

Our future looks dim, America. It's been mortgaged to the hilt by this President and there's no saying the next president can fix things. We can only hope that by the mid-term elections, we all wake up to the harsh reality that is Obamaworld and we change congress. That's the only thing that might stem the tide of deterioration here in this great land.

We're not dead yet America. However, our doctor is a quack and that's not a good thing for our health. If we rally together around sound ideas and ideals, we can fix this mess. It will have to be without the current government officials, however, and that change will have to take place in 2010.

Stand firm. Keep your eyes open. Don't lose hope.

God bless you and may God have mercy on America.

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