Thursday, February 12, 2009

Who's Your Daddy America? It's Uncle Sam

When the One was elected I said goodbye to America. Now, the body has finally been laid to rest with the passing of the most far-reaching, pork-laden, future generation mortgaging spending bill ever to come out of the darkness of Washington, D.C. Remember when the then future President told us that $176B was needed to "fix" the economy? Does anyone remember that? Now, it's possibly up to $9 Trillion. Our future has been ruined by the Democratic party with the help of three spineless RINOs (Republican In Name Only). America is in ruins and it didn't come from an enemy from outside our borders, it came from within. The Democratic party did what countless enemies (including the 19 hijackers) could not do, they brought America down.

Now, although O said there'd be no earmarks, that's about all there is in this bill. Lobbyists lined up and worded the bill such that it hides the earmarks, but rest assured, they are in there. Oh, and good bye to our healthcare system. Instead of having some bean counter in an insurance company making medical decisions about your care, now some bureaucrat in Washington is going to decide what care is cost effective for you. That gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling doesn't it?

Has anyone asked where all this money is coming from? There are no freebies here gang. You and I will be paying for this and so will generations to come. The government, who helped cause this problem with a lending scandal, will now be borrowing more money to "fix" the problem. Apparently, they did not learn from FDR that the government can't fix the economy, they can only perpetuate the problem.

The scoundrels in this government, Frank, Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid and their ilk have sold us down the river. This is mainly on the Democrats people. No blaming Bush anymore. The ball is firmly in O's and his gang's hands. We're in for it now.

Now, get ready. You will have less money to spend and the little you will have left, won't buy as much. But, you should feel good about the fat cats in Washington, I'm sure they will take care of themselves. Oh, wait, they already did. They voted themselves a raise. They already don't pay for healthcare. That's fair, isn't it? They don't contribute to Social Security. That's fair, isn't it? They make the rules that you and I have to live by, but exempt themselves from it. That's fair, isn't it?

I tell you I haven't written in a while because I just didn't know what to write about. The President will go down as the ruination of the USA. Yet, you voted him in, so congratulations America. You helped make that happen.

God please help us!

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