Friday, November 7, 2008

Changing the Country One Heart at a Time

I have come to realize that we cannot change this country. You and I cannot effect change. God must change us one heart at a time. When people's hearts change, this country will change. That's the reality we live in. It's always been and it always will be.

As Christians we should stand up for what is Biblical. We cannot stand silent on topics such as abortion, marriage, assisted suicide and the like. We should seek out candidates and public servants that are closely aligned with Biblical views. However, true change will only come when people change. That change will only come when God changes those hearts.

The "job" at hand is and always will be to introduce people to Jesus. Not by pounding them over the head with the Bible and telling them where they are going wrong, but by living our lives in a way that they will see we are different, thus prompting questions and curiosity. Yes, friends, we should be DIFFERENT, not the same. We should stand out, not blend in. When the crowd goes one way, we should go the other. When people say one thing, we should say the other, or better yet, keep silent. There will be some sacrifices. We'll lose friends. Some of our family will be alienated. We may even lose a job. However, for the cause of the Gospel, all of that is insignificant compared to souls being saved and hearts being changed. Jesus sacrificed His life for us while we were still sinners, enemies of His, so having some temporary discomfort should not dissuade us from doing what we have to to spread His good news.

People are not our enemy. Obama is not our enemy. Neither are liberals or al-Qaeda. The enemy is the prince of this world. Our enemy is our heavenly Father's enemy. After all, we are His children. I had an uncle that if you picked a fight with his kids, you picked a fight with him. That's the way we should be. The enemy has picked a fight with our Father, we should jump in. After all, we have Him on our side. Did you ever get in a fight and have your big brother standing just behind you? How did you feel? Pretty brave, I'm sure. Pretty invincible. You felt like you couldn't lose. How much more should we feel like that with Almighty God at our back?

Tuesday was a mighty wake up call to me. I have focused too much on doing things myself. That's why I started this blog, to try to help change things. What a failure that was. I don't even know if anyone is reading this, but I have to do this. I hope that someone will come by and see this and it will help them. I know I cannot change them, but maybe I can help. That's going to be my focus; getting the word, God's Word out.

Will I speak out on issues? For sure I will. The President will be under the microscope and I'll be there when he messes up. However, I will be praying that God will change his heart. That God will influence, not only him, but all of the members of our government. We all should pray and we should get out the word, God's Word. The good news, the Gospel. That's our commission and we should be obedient with enthusiasm and join the fight for the hearts of this country. That's the only way this country will surely change in way that is pleasing to God.

God bless you.

May God change America.

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