Thursday, November 6, 2008

There's Hope, but Not in Men

I have finally come to realize that the only true hope we have is in Jesus Christ. Time after time I have put my hope in men and I've been burned to one extent or another. Now, it's almost as if I have to ignore people and just focus on Jesus. I don't mean to ignore people as if they don't exist, I mean to ignore them to the point that I put hope in them that they'll be Christ-like in any way. That time is over for me. I will expect the worst, because nine times out of ten, that's what you get.

To the contrary, there has never been a time that I put my hope in our Lord and Savior and have been disappointed. From being able to buy my house, to jobs to getting us through the death of a baby, God has ALWAYS come through. Why is it so hard to remember that when times get tough? I just don't know.

Dear friends, I wish I could say that "this too shall pass", but the reality is different. The newly elected President is set to wreck this country for many decades to come by appointing up to five (depending on his number of terms) Supreme Court Justices. America will cease to exist as we know it because he will appoint justices not only to the Supreme Court, but to the federal courts that will "have empathy" for certain groups. No longer will justice be blind in America. Hold on if you're not in one of those special groups. Your life is about to change and not for the better.

Anyway, the good news is always the good news. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! Amen?


We are called to pray for the president. I have to tell you that I will have trouble in that regard. I have to tell you that I have unsubscribed from "The Presidential Prayer Team". Right now, I just don't have it in me. I know my Father in heaven wants me to do that. I will. I'm just not there yet.

For those of you who consider yourselves conservatives, we have work to do. We have to seek out, find and recruit those who will run on the values of Ronald Reagan. We need people with backbone. People who can communicate that message in a meaningful way to mom and pop America. And people who more closely hold values in line with Biblical values. That is most important. Maybe even consider running for some elected office yourself.

Can we change this country? No, we can't, but we can do our part to be used by God to change America. And that change will come, yes, even revival will come if we get the Gospel out. That's the change we need in America. America needs the LORD. He's the agent of change. He changes the heart. When the heart changes, the person changes. One by one, as people accept Jesus our country will change. That's our mission, yes our commission to spread the Gospel. Oh, there'll be people who reject it. Even the great Christian, Paul the apostle, got run out of city after city. However, he kept going. He focused on his commission, to bring the Gospel to the gentiles. That was his one goal. He knew, while he was doing that, God would be with him and God will be with us as we do what we are commissioned to do, bring the Gospel to those in our community, state and country.

Although the future of America seems dark, Jesus, the Light of the world, can shatter any darkness brought on by those who so not live according to His will and his tenets. It's our job and, indeed, should be our desire to bring the Light to those around us who are shrouded in the darkness. If we don't do that, who will?

God bless you and yours.

May God have mercy on America.

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