Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Post Mortem - America

I'm wearing black today and I took my American flag down this morning. I rolled it up and put it away in my garage. Its symbolism lost all of its meaning last night. I no longer identify with it. I don't want to identify with it. I'm ashamed and dismayed.

It took 232 years, but I believe America is now dead as a republic, as a world leader and as that shining beacon to the world that we were for all those years. We've now taken our place in the background with all the other mediocre countries in the world. Overnight, we've become Europe.

Worse yet, we've spit in God's eye. The 86% of us that identify ourselves somehow with Christianity, have said, God means nothing in our lives and how we live it. Shame on us all.

I would say at this point the government should immediately begin purging God's name from the money, the Pledge and all government buildings. We've proven for once and for all, it was all a sham. That God really has played no part in this country for many years now. Those who hold close to God must now come to grips with the fact that America truly is a Godless country and we are in the minority from now on. True believers make up a very small part of this country. God forgive us. We've taken a country You gave us and turned it over to the forces of darkness. How can we ever recover?

For me, after trying to recover from such a devastating event as this past election, I must focus for once and for all on being a citizen of heaven. That's where my allegiance should have been all along. God forgive me for getting caught up in the politics of this world. A world that is passing away. A world that will be here for a fleeting moment. One that will be burnt up on the glorious day. Even so, LORD Jesus come quickly!

I don't know how you will react to this election. I haven't a clue about anything anymore, except this, that Jesus Christ is LORD, He is Savior, He is God. He hasn't changed today. We've changed. He hasn't left us, we've left Him. His face might have turned from us as a nation, but He loves His children and although we've messed up royally this time, His love endures.

Make this commitment today, that you will focus on your heavenly citizenship. That your commitment to the great commission will be refocused to getting the job done. That you will ask God for boldness, for courage and for wisdom in order to be pleasing in His sight and not to worry about what is happening around us.

It's not going to be easy, but you know that the early church went through much more. They were being killed for their faith. Those who followed "The Way" as it was called, were seen by the Roman government as nothing more than religious zealots bent on overthrowing the government. They did not worship Caesar, so they were summarily killed in one way or another.

Our commitment must be equal to the early disciples. We must have the same level of boldness and courage. With God on our side who can harm us? No one. Not the new President or his political party. In reality, they are in need of prayer. They are about to send this country down a path it probably will never recover from. Shame on them and shame on us for allowing it.

Dear friends, prayer is not more important today than it was yesterday, because it was important yesterday too. If you aren't praying regularly, I suggest you start. You, your family and friends and this land need it now more than ever.

The hope we have in Jesus Christ has not changed because of what happened yesterday. That hope is still there if you have given your life over to Him. The One on whose shoulders the government rests is alive and well today no matter what place He is given in this land.

That is the only truth that is keeping me going today.

God bless you and yours.

May God have mercy on this land.

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