Monday, November 3, 2008

Change is Coming with History in the Making

No matter who gets elected tomorrow, history will be made. Change will be brought to this country. If Barack Obama is elected, this country will get its first African-American President. I believe that will be the smallest change we, as Americans, will experience if he gets in. If America elects John McCain, Sarah Palin will be the first ever female Vice President of this country. The first female to be "a heartbeat away" from being President.

Not only will history be made, but change will come to this great land. Change in the form of bigger, more oppressive government will come if Obama is elected. We will be plunged into a European-type government that will change America in ways we don't want. We'll have a more Communist-like approach to government. Higher taxes and unemployment are sure to follow. It won't be the republicans doing. The democrats will have both the congress and the presidency wielding power that will be unchecked. They will care only about their agenda and not what's good for this country. They think they know better than the founding fathers did. They think their version of America is what is best. It's not. Europe is our example and they aren't exactly burning up the world in economic prosperity. They aren't safer than we are. They have higher taxes than we do. They pay much more for fuel than we do. They are weaker in every way than we are, yet the democrats want to be like them. I don't get it. Being America worked just fine for the last 200 or so years. I don't know why we have to change now.

Sure, there are some things that need fixing. The economy and our energy policy. However, there's always something to fix. That doesn't mean that we need to fundamentally change our form of government to do so. We should fix those things within the framework of the government we have.

Change will come tomorrow. There's one thing that won't change, though. The knowledge and fact that our Almighty Savior, Jesus Christ is the same and will never ever change. I refer you to Hebrews 13:8. What a comfort that is that no matter who is leading this country, who is wrecking our country, Jesus is the same and will never change. Why is that important? Think of this. How can we count on the promises He gives, if He is ever changing? We would never be able to count on the hope He gives us. We would never know how He would respond to our life situations. Why would we follow a God like that? This is part of the uniqueness of our God. The only true God. He never changes. That has to be a comfort to us.

So, no matter who gets in tomorrow and however this country changes in the years to come, know this dear friends, Jesus will never change. He'll be the same loving God He has always been. He's the only one we can count on even when we can't count on ourselves. He's the one constant. The one rock. He's our God and we can count on Him and His promises.

Don't forget to vote and vote your beliefs.

God bless you and may God bless America.

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