Wednesday, October 29, 2008


There's less than a week to go until Election Day. The citizens of this country enjoy this right, to choose who leads us in our government from our tiny towns to the highest office in the land. Though we have that right, only 3 out of 10 (in a good year) actually partake of that right. It's sad how apathetic we are when it comes to voting.

I want to talk to those of you who call yourselves Christian. Do you plan to vote this year? Please, if you are not, please reconsider. This year, more so than others, is a pivotal election in our history. Not only are there important issues on the table like abortion, gay marriage, redistribution of wealth, higher taxes, and such issues like that, but did you realize that the next President will appoint from between two and five Supreme Court Justices? These are the people who shape the interpretation of law throughout our land. They wield tremendous influence in this country for better or worse.

One candidate, Obama wants the Supreme Court to be sympathetic to certain groups in this country. In a 2001 interview he stated that he wanted the Supreme Court to be involved in redistributing wealth in this country. He also stated that he wanted them (the Supreme Court Justices) to favor some over others. So, he wants some to have an advantage in the courts over others. Now, I don't know about you, but one of the great things about this country is that all are treated equally under the law, so it doesn't matter if you are a corporate CEO or if you serve coffee at the local diner counter, as soon as you step into court, you are treated the same as the next person. Barack Obama wants to change that. This is a fact. The audio of that interview can be found here at the NPR web site. Scroll to the January 18, 2001 interview and listen for yourself.

Why should you be concerned about all of this? Well, if you believe that he government was meant to take your money and give it to someone else, then it means nothing. If you are a parent of a daughter and you believe that your daughter should have the "right" to unfettered abortions and have those abortions without your knowledge or consent even if she's a minor, then it means nothing. If you believe it's OK for babies, fully viable and ALIVE, who survive an abortion attempt to be put into closets and allowed to DIE, then it means nothing. If you believe it's OK to kill a baby at any time during a pregnancy even at delivery, then this issue means nothing to you. If you believe that anyone should be able to marry anyone, such as a man marrying a man, a man marrying several women or even combinations of men and women marrying, then it means nothing. If you don't care about these and other moral issues facing this nation, then the Supreme Court should mean nothing to you.

However, if you are intent on voting what you believe to be the truth as a Christian, then this should mean everything to you. As Christians, we must vote what we believe. If our faith doesn't translate into action, then it is no faith at all. I'd like to refer you to James 2:26. If you are a Bible-believing Christian, this should be important to you.

Vote. Get other Christians to vote. You know I get so many "forwards" in my email. All kinds of things from jokes to chain emails imploring me to say a prayer and then send that email to another five, ten or however many people and then see what happens. What kind of groundswell would there be if we, as Christians, started an email chain exhorting all Christ-followers to simply leave their homes on November 4th and cast a vote for what they believe, what we all believe as the body of Christ? I believe there would be a landslide the likes of which have not been seen in a long time.

Vote. Vote what you believe. Leave the rest to God.

God bless you and may God, in His infinite grace and mercy bless America.

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