Monday, October 27, 2008

Down the Stretch They Come!

This year's presidential race is just about over. Election Day is eight days away. Come January, we'll have someone new in the White House.

As the campaigns draw to a close the tension, rhetoric, desperation is being ratcheted up to a fever pitch. More attack ads, more often trying to sway voters. Trying to show the other guy is wrong for the job. Trying, desperately trying to win.

Most of the media is pulling for Obama, as if they would benefit from a Presidency that squashes those who even seem to disagree with him. How long will it be before a President Obama shuts down those media outlets, like FoxNews, that would take him to task on being a Marxist or soft on terrorism. His media attack dogs will be out in force to silence those who even question his abilities, ideas, or methods. Does anyone remember Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union or more recently what Mr. Chavez did in Venezuela as their dictator? Silence those who oppose you, so the masses will get in line. Does that sound like the America you want to live in?

This is going on now, this day, in this country by the Obama campaign. Barbara West, a journalist in Florida on WFTV, was conducting an interview with Joe Biden on TV. She asked him a couple of admittedly tough questions. OH MY! Imagine a politician having to answer actual questions! My oh my what a concept. Well, old Joe never answered the questions. Sure he smiled, he laughed, he seemed surprised that someone would have the audacity to ask some tough questions, but he never answered the questions.

After that, Biden's wife was to be on the same Florida TV station and the Obama campaign canceled that appearance and basically told the station they were now blackballed from any contact with the Obama campaign.

This is from a blog titled "Hal Boedecker, The TV Guy":

WFTV-Channel 9's Barbara West conducted a satellite interview with Sen. Joe Biden on Thursday. A friend says it's some of the best entertainment he's seen recently. What do you think?

West wondered about Sen. Barack Obama's comment, to Joe the Plumber, about spreading the wealth. She quoted Karl Marx ("From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Quote added by me Eagleswingsbob for reference) and asked how Obama isn't being a Marxist with the "spreading the wealth" comment.

"Are you joking?" said Biden, who is Obama's running mate. "No," West said.

West later asked Biden about his comments that Obama could be tested early on as president. She wondered if the Delaware senator was saying America's days as the world's leading power were over.

"I don't know who's writing your questions," Biden shot back.

Biden so disliked West's line of questioning that the Obama campaign canceled a WFTV interview with Jill Biden, the candidate's wife.

"This cancellation is non-negotiable, and further opportunities for your station to interview with this campaign are unlikely, at best for the duration of the remaining days until the election," wrote Laura K. McGinnis, Central Florida communications director for the Obama campaign.

Now back to my blog:

Nice, eh? Ask tough questions, get blackballed. You know that those "in the tank" for Mr. Obama will make sure that they have continuous access to him by never hitting him hard on any issues. Can that be good for the country? Well, no, of course not. You need to know the truth from those in power and the media is the way to that truth, or so it should be. That will be stopped with an Obama regime.

Let's face it, the more you experience Mr. Obama, the scarier he gets.

I recently came back from a trip to Europe, the UK, specifically. I have seen what taxing people to death does to people's spirits. It kills it. His ideas about taking from the rich to giving to the poor is right out of the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. Karl Marx is the father of Communism in the Soviet Union. COMMUNISM, folks. Remember, the form of government WE FOUGHT AGAINST? This is not freedom. It's not right. It's not America.

In America we succeed or fail on our own. That's the beauty of our system. Someone from a poor background can leave that poverty by working hard. ANYONE can succeed. In Barack Obama's world no one succeeds. It's evil to succeed. You get penalized (taxed) for succeeding. People, you may think the rich are the problem in this country, but they aren't. They are the people who risk their money to create jobs. They are the people who work 18 hour days to build a business and when that business succeeds, they get rewarded by higher earnings. After all, they worked for it. It sustains jobs. They give large sums of money to charities. They keep local economies going because their workers have to buy breakfasts and lunches. They stop at the local shops to drop off dry cleaning. They buy a quart of milk on the way home at the local grocery store. Do you see how it works in a capitalist society? Barack Obama wants to fundamentally change this country into one that is dependent on the government. That's not America.

We are a strong, independent people. We want to do what's right. We are farmers. We are small business owners. We are grocery clerks. We work hard. We love freedom. All of this is slipping away because of people like Barack Obama. He thinks you aren't smart or hard working. He wants to weaken you so you have to depend on the government. Dependence on the government means weakness. You cannot do anything for yourself. Ever want to put up a shed on your property and the town tells you where on your property you can put it and how big it can be and sometimes what color it can be? It's not right and that's just a small thing. Imagine when you are accepting "subsidies" to buy things like a car. Imagine the restrictions that will come with that. They'll tell you that your car has to be a certain size or has to get a certain gas mileage. Can you imagine your government getting that intrusive into your life? Well, it could happen and probably will.

You know that there is literally no such thing as a free lunch. You don't get anything from the government for nothing. There's always a price to pay.

Although I know in my heart that no matter who gets elected, that God has this whole situation in His capable hands, it still concerns me that America is about to change and not for the good if Barack Obama gets in with a Democratically-controlled congress. My child will not benefit from the America I grew up in. She'll not be able to make something of herself. We'll be Europe and I've been there and it's not a place I want to live.

If you are someone with a relationship with God, use this week to pray. Pray for peace. Pray for the right person to get in. Pray for God to forgive this country for its sins. This very well could be God's way of getting our attention. Telling us we are straying too far from Him. After all, he allowed Israel to be overtaken time after time to show them the error of her ways. This could be the same situation.

Friends I have to tell you I am pessimistic about the outcome of this election, but I'm voting. Don't stay home becasue the media says the race is over. Remember, they predicted that Harry Truman lost to Thomas Dewey and THEY WERE WRONG! They are doing this to discourage those who would vote for McCain from coming out. It's a classic strategy. If we, who identify more closely with John McCain get out and vote, we may very well see the media and the Obama campaign who are already planning their celebrations with perverbial egg on their collective faces.

May God bless you all and may God bless America.

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