Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Seems Like McCain is Fading

Not that this will convince me to not vote or vote for the other person, but it seems like John McCain has lost his way. Ever since he suspended his campaign to work on the bailout plan (which failed by the way), he has faded from sight. Meanwhile, Obama stays in the background letting the economy campaign for him

John McCain needs to do something dramatic and do it quickly or all is lost and we are on our way to becoming Europe.

He needs a better plan than is already out there. The Senate plan is basically the House plan with some tax breaks in there. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig. This one still smells.

There's no leadership coming from either side. They are paralyzed by the fear of failure.

As Americans we should be demanding action from our representatives. Clinton, Schumer, where are they? Nowhere to be found. They voted for that horrible bailout. It is so shameful that this do nothing Congress continues to do nothing even in the face of horrific economic events. I cannot imagine what would happen if we were attacked. They'd blame each other while the bombs were falling.

I am tired. I have no patience for this. At 50, nonsense just makes me angry and that what this is, nonsense. Pelosi, Reid, all of them are playing politics with this country bringing us to the brink of an economic meltdown not seen since my parents were kids in the 20s and 30s.

I take solace in the fact that no matter what happens, this is only temporary and whatever pain (economic or otherwise) I have to go through for now, eternity in Heaven awaits those of us who are children of the Almighty Father.

Even so LORD Jesus, come quickly.

God bless you and may God bless America.

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