Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm Angry and Discouraged

I didn't watch the debate last night between McCain and Obama. There was nothing either could say to sway me one way or the other. Also, if the guy I want in did poorly, I wanted to save myself the aggravation of watching it.

As we get closer to Election Day, I am getting angrier and more discouraged. I am bracing for what I believe will be one of the darkest days in our nation's history, electing Barack Obama President. Oh, I'm still casting my vote. That matters. I think everyone should still vote, but be aware that things are going to change in this country, and not for the better when he gets in. I hope that I am wrong, I really do, but it's just looking bleak right now.

Why John McCain is not going harder at this guy is beyond me. I think that's where a lot of my anger is coming from. It's like seeing your friend getting beat up and not defending himself and not being able to jump in to help.

We are also seeing how powerful the media is. They want Obama in, although why I cannot fathom, and they are making sure that happens. The masses don't watch people like Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity. These guys, especially the crew from FoxNews, have been demonized in the media, so the vast majority of Americans probably see them as right-wing kooks.

There are things coming out about Obama that are disturbing at best. His associations with people who want to do America harm. These are not just casual relationships, either. It's appalling to me that more of this is not coming out. It's not surprising knowing how the media is, it's just appalling.

My country is about to change radically. I don't like that one bit. Abortion, gay marriage, the second amendment. These are things that will shape our society for years to come, not to mention we are about to be taxed into oblivion. The government will tell you how much you can make. How much is enough for you. Remember, Biden said that people making $250K per year "can afford" to give to others who don't have. Really? Who is he to say that? How can he determine who can afford what? The government is about to take a hold of your life that it will not willingly release.

How can we, as freedom-loving Americans allow that to happen? Why are we being led like lemmings to the brink of disaster by electing this "man"? There are no leaders on the other side. Not McCain, no one. There are no Teddy Roosevelts.

Now, more than ever, we need to lean on God. I have to be honest, that I have been fretting over this whole election and ignoring my own advice from one of my previous blogs on how to weather the storm. I am not focused on Jesus at all. I'm angry. I'm discouraged. I can't believe that this is happening. I can't seem to get it out of my head that my country is not going to be special anymore. It's not a place that people will look to anymore. We are declining as a nation and that hurts.

What hurts even more is that God, though present, is being pushed out of our public lives. When Obama gets in, our freedoms will change also. We won't be able to speak out against things that he deems worthy, like gay marriage, abortion and the like. That will be "hate speech". They will tell us, keep that talk private. Your faith is a private thing. Our pastors will not be able to preach against sinful lifestyles. They will try to silence us. It's a scary thing. This will happen just by electing one man to the presidency. If that happens, I pray to God to have the strength of Daniel.

If we don't come together as a group and I'm talking about Christians and vote for McCain, we will get what we deserve. It's too late to organize. It's too late to do anything but get out there and make sure we get the right person in there.

It's not looking good friends.

I can only hope I am wrong.

God bless you and may God bless America.

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