Thursday, October 2, 2008

We're Losing America

Let's face it, the America we have today is not the America our parents had. The country is changing and not for the better.

Friends we are embarking into an era where our freedoms will be decreased, our government will become more controlling over our lives and our money and our quality of life will be forever changed.

We're losing America.

As Obama cruises into the Presidency and McCain seems to be happy to hand it to him, I am reminded of how gleeful all those New Yorkers were when the "honorable" Eliot Spitzer was elected Governor of this once great state. Well, America, you get what you pay for and Eliot Spitzer turned out not to be the great governor they all thought he would be, but a common john that frequented prostitutes.

Well, Obama supporters, enjoy your victory. People were happy about Jimmy Carter too. Then when interest rates were in the double digits and our citizens were held hostage in Iran, the happiness gave way to dispair and anger. Yet, Jimmy Carter could do nothing to give economic relief to those who suffered under possibly the worst presidency in our history. Also, he talked to the Iranians. He talked and talked and talked. Negotiated. Cajoled. Talking did nothing to release our citizens from their illegal captivity. Talk is what you'll get from Obama. No action. Just talk. He'll negotiate. He'll take the diplomatic approach. He'll give this country away.

You get what you pay for America.

If you want us to be more like Europe or even China, then elect Obama.

If you think your government can do better with more of your money in the form of higher taxes, then elect Obama.

If you think the government knows better how you should live your life than you do, then elect Obama.

If you don't give a hoot about what America stands for and you think we are the "evil" empire, then by all means vote for Obama.

If you don't care that Obama's close associates are domestic terrorists, then please vote for him.

If, the fact that his closest economic adivisors are the very greedy men that led Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae into this economic disaster called the subprime mortgage mess and gave tens of thousands of dollars to Obama and Obama did nothing to reform those entities, then, please, vote for Obama.

Me? I'm not giving my vote to someone who has done nothing as a Senator, wants to increase the size, scope and power of our government and the control they have over us, whose judgement is horrible in making choices like who he associates with, was wrong on Iraq and is such an agent for change he chose a man with 30 years in Washington who was voted the third most liberal senator in America (two places behind Mr. Obama).

I'm giving McCain my vote. He probably will not win, but I have to make a statement in my own way. After all, even though it doesn't look like it anymore, this is still America.

God bless you and may God bless America.

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